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The Wendigo

Penelope: Are you sure? (Harriet goes to close the door but Penelope stops her.) Uh, hi. I don't mean to intrude and I know that this must be hard for you but I know that you recognise this bracelet. It was your daughter's wasn't it?

Harriet: Why are you asking me all these questions? Why are you doing this to me?

Penelope: Your daughter, what's her name?

Harriet: Teri. Teri Lane. Do you know where she is? (Penelope takes Harriet out in the hallway and Prue is standing there with Teri.) Teri? Oh my goodness. Teri, Teri?

Teri: Momma.

Harriet: My baby. (They hug.) I never thought I'd see you again.

Teri: It's okay, I'm home now.

Harriet: Let me look at you.

Prue: (To Penelope) I guess that bracelet was worth more than I thought it was.

Penelope: Are you kidding? It's priceless. Thank God for my powers.

Prue: It wasn't just your powers that did that, Poppy. (Prue's phone rings.) Hello? Piper, you sound terrible. What's wrong?

(Scene: The park. Andy and Agent Fallon are there.)

Agent Fallon: Sure hope Piper's gonna be okay. She didn't look very well.

Andy: I know. Both Piper and the first victim were attacked by the far end of those trees.

Agent Fallon: Must have hidden in that stretch of woods waiting to attack. Wanna get a closer look?

Andy: Absolutely.

Agent Fallon: You better turn your cell phone off too. Wouldn't want it to ring and scare it away. (They turn off their phones.) This is a nice spot. How'd you find this place? You and Piper's sister spend some time here?

Andy: No. Prue runs more to the high brow.

Agent Fallon: Her loss.

Andy: I take it you're not married?

Agent Fallon: Do you see a ring on my finger? I was engaged once. He was my world. Totally my world. Then one day, "boom", the empty dresser, the one word note "sorry". I started falling. I kept falling.

Andy: Yeah, I know how that is.

Agent Fallon: No you don't. But I took steps. I did what I needed to make myself strong. To make it so no one could ever hurt me like that again.

Andy: I'd love to know how you do that.

Agent Fallon: Maybe I'll show you if you're lucky. Now my life's a lot less complicated. All I'm interested in is sex. Does that shock you?

Andy: No. Just wondering where you were in college, that's all.

(Scene: Manor. Penelope and Prue walk in.)

Prue: Piper? (They walk in the living room and Piper's sitting on the couch sweating and shaking.)

Penelope: Piper.

Piper: I'm miserable.

Penelope: It's okay, honey, it's okay.

Piper: No, no, it's not. (She pulls off the bandage and shows them her hairy arm.)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now