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1x14 Secrets and Guys

(Scene: Mr. Franklin and Max's house. They are sitting on the couch and then thugs wearing balaclavas run in and grab Max.)

Mr. Franklin: Max! (One of the thugs points a gun at Mr. Franklin.)

Thug: Don't move, don't breathe! Just listen. We're gonna borrow your kid just for a day. Now, if you're smart, you will not call the cops. We will have him safe and sound, first thing Monday morning, ready for school. Do you understand?

Mr. Franklin: Yeah, yeah.

Thug: Just our little secret, right?

Mr. Franklin: Yeah. (The thug knocks Mr. Franklin out and they drag Max outside.)

(Scene: Attic. Prue, Piper, and Penelope are sitting at a table spring-cleaning. Piper is looking through a box of toys and Phoebe is painting her nails.)

Penelope: Can I just say I am absolutely enjoying this?

Piper: That's because you're not doing anything.

Penelope: Not true. I've painted my fingers and my toes.

Prue: I just hope that this doesn't fall under the personal gain category.

Piper: How could it? A good witch is a clean witch.

Penelope: Yep. I think we should spring clean like this more often. You go girl. (Prue uses her power to close drawers, put things in a box, clean the window, straighten toys and books on a shelf, and lift some trophies while dusting.)

Piper: Good job Prue. (Prue uses her power to put away a broom.) Oh look. More toys. I told you Grams wouldn't throw them away.

Prue: Yeah. But we will. Why don't you just put that stuff in the discard pile?

Penelope: Wait. What's in there?

Piper: Stuffed animals without eyeballs. Dollies that look like they've been through the mill once or twice and looky here. Miss. Phoebe's diaries.

Penelope: The place where I kept all my secrets. Give me those. (She takes her diaries and she giggles. Prue and Piper give her a look.) What?

Prue: The place where you kept your secrets?

Penelope: Uh-huh.

Piper: Penelope, you could never keep a secret.

Penelope: Oh. That is so not true.

Piper: OK. Maybe Prue's surprise birthday party.

Prue: Guess again.

Piper: You knew?

Prue: Mm-hmm. (Piper hits Penelope playfully.)

Piper: Penelope, you swore you wouldn't tell her.

Penelope: I'm sorry. OK? It was an accident. (Piper sighs) I say we keep all the toys.

Prue: Subject changer.

Penelope: For our children, for our future.

Piper: That's a good idea.

Prue: Well, you can get rid of mine. (Piper and Penelope give her the "what" look.) What? It's just that, you know, we live in a world with so much violence and then you add the evil demons and it's a pretty scary place to raise kids in. Besides, I don't really think I'm cut out to be a mom.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now