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When Bad Warlocks Go Good

Andy: Sorry, but all bests are off on this one. A priest, my priest, was viciously attacked at his own church who dedicated his life at doing only good. Then a young mother was kidnapped almost sacrificed in an altar. Now I can place Brendan Rowe at both scenes of the crime and the female victim hearing your name at the last one. And believe it or not I don't care why you were there, all I care about is who tried to kill Father Austin. 

Prue: I wish that I could help you. 

Andy: Piper, what about you? You wanna tell me where he is? 

Piper: We're not hiding any criminals here Andy if that's what you're asking. 

Andy: Fine. Father Austin's in intensive care. If he dies it's first degree murder and if I find out you're someway involved, I won't be able to look the other way, Prue. (He leaves.) 

Penelope: I've never seen him like that before. 

Prue: Can you blame him? 

Piper: I hope you're right about Brendan, Prue. 

(Scene: Greg and Paul's place. They are saying a spell.) 

(Cut to Prue's room. Brendan is lying in bed and he's very restless. He gets out of bed and sees a spider and squashes it.) 

(Back at Greg and Paul's place.) 

Paul: He should of been here by now. I told you the spell wouldn't work. 

Greg: We still got time. 

Paul: I'm telling you he can't be taken. His mother's blood is too strong in him. 

Greg: Then we will have to kill him. 

Paul: I won't let that happen. 

Greg: And he won't have a choice. (Brendan enters the room.) 

Paul: Brendan. 

Greg: The spell brought you here. But the rest you have to do on your own, brother. 

Brendan: I understand. 

Greg: Do you really? 

Brendan: I feel only your power reaching out to yours and yours. To complete our triangle. 

Paul: All it takes is the life of a mortal and then your initiation is complete. 

Greg: I'm afraid it's gonna take more. We need proof that you have truly turned. To complete the Rowe coven you must sacrifice a witch. Prue. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Prue's room.) 

Piper: Where'd he go? 

Prue: Um, probably to the rectory to get ready. 

Piper: But you're not sure. 

Prue: No, I'm not. 

Piper: What are you gonna do? 

Prue: I'm gonna find him. Wake up Poppy okay. (Penelope stands at the doorway.) 

Penelope: I'm up. Do you want to know what the Book of Shadows says about the Rowe coven? 

Prue: Go. 

Penelope: It's not good. Ever since the tenth century each generation has grown stronger. Nobody can find a spell or a weapon that can stop them. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now