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That Seventies Episode

(They bend down to pick up her stuff. Penelope realises it's her mother.)

Patty: I'm such a klutz sometime.

Penelope: Really? So am I.

Patty: Yeah?

Penelope: Yeah. Crackers?

Patty: Upset stomach.

Penelope: (Sees a cigarette packet) Uh, you know you shouldn't be smoking these now. It's bad for your upset stomach.

Patty: You're very sweet. Thanks. I gotta go.

Penelope: So soon?

Patty: Excuse me?

Officer: Is everything alright?

Patty: Yeah, thanks officer.

Penelope: Oh my God, Nicholas.

Patty: I'm late. Thanks again. (She leaves.)

Penelope: Excuse me. How do you get to Berkley?

Nicholas: Get outta my way. (Penelope kicks him and throws his keys on the road. She runs into Buddies.)

Prue: Penelope, what are you doing?

Penelope: Nicholas is here.

Piper: What? Where?

Penelope: Run!

Commercial Break

(Scene: Prue, Piper and Penelope are walking down their street.)

Piper: Is Nicholas wearing his ring?

Penelope: I don't know. I don't think so.

Piper: It's a good thing you were there Poppy, that's probably when Nicholas was gonna make his moves on mum.

Penelope: I know I don't think so otherwise we'd be I our own time by now.

Prue: Hey, are you alright?

Penelope: Yeah, uh, just seeing mum for the first time and talking to her, I just didn't expect to feel so...

Prue: Feel what, good?

Penelope: No, overwhelmed.

Piper: Well, mum's car is here, at least we know where she is.

Prue: Yeah, but the question is, how do we get to her? Grams must of told her about us by now. She probably thinks we're the warlocks.

Piper: Our only option is to wait for Nicholas to show. But what are we going to do without our powers?

Penelope: Well, technically you still have your powers. If you count little Prue and little Piper. We need our powers and they have them. Come on.

(Cut to them coming in the back door.)

Penelope: Coast is clear.

Piper: What if Grams catches us?

Prue: She'll kill us before Nicholas has a chance.

Penelope: She won't catch us. Observe. (She opens the heating duct and they can hear Grams and Patty talking.)

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