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That Seventies Episode

Grams: What? I unbound your powers without having unbroken the pact? Why would I do that? I mean unless I died which of course automatically... unbind your powers. I guess I'm not going to make it to the next millennium, huh?

Penelope: Uh, speaking of that, mum...

Grams: No. We mustn't know anymore about the future. You came back for one reason, to break the pact. You mustn't tamper with anything else. It's much too risky. Heaven knows what damage you've already done by coming back here.

Prue: We haven't done anything, we missed our chance to stop the pact.

Grams: And there's a reason for that. Destiny always gets its own way. It's not as easy to change the past as you think. If you do it incorrectly, everything will change. The evil you vanquished, the good that you've done, none of it may've ever happened.

Piper: Well, we have to change this, we can't go back and let him kill us.

Patty: The only way to vanquish him in your time would be for me to unless the ring and take away its immunity. It's in a drawer in his hotel room.

Penelope: Okay, well, let's go to Nicholas' hotel room and steal back the ring. Hopefully it'll be there.

Patty: No, it's too dangerous, you don't have powers. I'll go.

Prue: If something happened to you, future history could be forever. Just like Grams said. We have to go.

Grams: Well, I'm glad you finally learned to listen to me. You better hurry. In the meantime, I'll write a new spell, so we can get you back to your own time.

Piper: Wait, you can do that?

Grams: We're witches, dear, we can do anything.

Penelope: I wish that were true.

Prue: Okay, we need to go.

Patty: Be careful.

(Scene: Hotel. Penelope is picking the lock.)

Prue: Why am I not surprised that you know how to do this?

Penelope: Let's just hope Nicholas isn't inside.

Prue: The concierge says he's not and Piper's outside watching for him. (Penelope opens the door and turns on the light.)

Penelope: Mum says it's in a drawer.

Prue: Found it. Okay, we gotta get it back to mum.

(Scene: Attic.)

Prue: We have the ring, here it is.

Piper: Okay, now what?

Grams: Go back to where you belong.

Patty: Then I will un bless the ring and get it back to the hotel before Nicholas finds it missing.

Grams: Now remember, there is no time to lose. You will return at the exact moment you left, which means Nicholas will be there too. (You see Penelope writing a letter. It says, "Mom, Be careful on February 28, 1978, or a warlock will drown you.")

Piper: Hopefully without immunity to our powers.

Prue: We'll be ready. Penelope?

Penelope: Okay, I'm coming.

Prue: I love you, mum. (Penelope puts her letter in the Book of Shadows.)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now