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Deja Vu All Over Again

Andy: What if that's what he wants, all three of you together. What if that's the reason he set the time loop? 

Prue: We'll just have to take our chances. 

Andy: You could get killed, Prue. 

Prue: I mean it. This is not your fight. Don't make me use my magic on you. Andy, I would die if anything happened to you. I love you. 

Andy: I love you too, Prue. (They hug.) 

(Scene: Outside manor. Andy's in his car. Rodriguez walks past Kit and Kit growls. Rodriguez's eyes glow red and Kit runs away. Andy sees it and grabs his gun.) 

Andy: Oh my God, Prue. 

(Inside manor. Penelope's reading the Book of Shadows.) 

Penelope: The devil's sorcerer, Tempus. He can manipulate time anyway he chooses. 

Piper: Does it say how to vanquish him? 

Penelope: Uh, take him out of the time that he's in. What ever that means. 

(Rodriguez kicks open the door and throws the lightning stuff at Prue, but Piper pushes her out of the way just in time and they fall to the floor. Andy runs in.) 

Andy: No! (He shoots at Rodriguez and Rodriguez throws lightning stuff at him.) 

Penelope: Andy! (Andy flies through the air and hits a glass cabinet. Piper freezes Rodriguez.) 

Piper: Are you okay? 

Penelope: Yeah, is Prue okay? 

Piper: Yeah, she's out cold. (They see Andy and run over to him. Piper feels his pulse.) Oh my God. He's dead. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Manor. It's 6:15pm. Rodriguez is tied to a chair.) 

Penelope: The only reason you're still alive is because I haven't worked out how to kill you yet. 

Rodriguez: Go ahead. Kill me witch. I don't care. 

Piper: Penelope, what are you doing? 

Penelope: I'm trying to save Andy. 

Piper: Andy, Andy's dead, you can't save him, Penelope. 

Penelope: No? We're in a time loop aren't we? All we have to do is start the day over and Andy lives. And I'm willing to bet that his death somehow triggers the time loop? 

Rodriguez: I'm impressed. I was told you wouldn't know that. 

Penelope: Really? By who? Tempus? Yeah, we know about him too. And we also know you're not him otherwise you would of started the day by now. So, where do we find him? 

Rodriguez: In your nightmares. Kill me. I dare you. (Piper pulls Penelope away.) 

Piper: Why is he so willing to let us kill him? 

Penelope: Who cares. If he dies, Andy lives. End of story. 

Piper: What if that's exactly his plan? To reset the day and he can kill us all next. 

Rodriguez: It doesn't matter. The day's gonna reset itself anyway, there's not a damn thing to do about 

Piper: Shut up. Come on, we have to wake Prue. (They bend now next to Prue.) 

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