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Deja Vu All Over Again

(Scene: Rodriguez's place. Tempus is there holding an hour glass. He pours the sand out into a saucepan. You see out the window that it goes from night to day in seconds. Rodriguez appears.) 

Tempus: Hurts to die, doesn't it? Especially at the hands of a witch. 

Rodriguez: What happened? Where am I? 

Tempus: Exactly where you were when you first met me. Time has been reset, or other I have reset time. 

Rodriguez: But they killed me. 

Tempus: That was Wednesday night. This is Wednesday morning all over again. This is why I have been sent to you, to keep resetting time until you learn from your failures. Only you will carry with you the memory of what has happened before. And each time you fail, you will learn more until ultimately you will kill all of them. 

(Scene: A paper boy rides along the road, a car honks and he waves. He throws the paper on the Halliwell's lawn. Inside the manor.) 

Weather Girl: (On TV) Good morning, San Francisco. Well, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful Wednesday. 

Penelope: (On the phone) Piper, what are you doing at Quake? It's 8:00 in... the morning. (Prue enters the kitchen.) 

Prue: Morning. 

Penelope: Morning. Wait a minute. (Kit knocks over the pepper and meows.) Whoa. I am freaking out. (Into the phone) Okay. I'll be there in an hour (She hangs up.) 

Prue: Be where in an hour? (Penelope pauses a little.) 

Penelope: Okay. Pinch me. 

Prue: What? 

Penelope: No. I mean it. Pinch me. I want to make sure I'm awake because if I am, I am having one killer déjà vu. 

Prue: So it's just a déjà vu. Everybody gets them. 

Penelope: Not like this they don't. Look Prue... something weird is going on here. (Prue sees the front page) 

Prue: I don't believe this. 

Penelope: No. I'm... trust me. This has happened before. Everything. 

Prue: I'm talking about the paper. Did you see the front page? 

Penelope: See. Like that. Right there. You said that before. I know it. (Car crashes.) And that has happened before too. 

Prue: Where did you park my car last night? 

Penelope: In the driveway and I told you that already the last time you asked me. (Prue leaves. Penelope sighs. Then whispers the next line.) I think I'm having an aneurysm. 

(Cut to Prue looking out the window in the living room.) 

Prue: Mrs. Henderson's car. Just a little fender bender, no big deal. 

Penelope: Prue, I am not nuts. Okay, maybe just a little but that's irrelevant here. 

Prue: Penelope, Andy's in trouble. 

Penelope: What? (Prue shows her the paper.) Let me see that. (She takes the paper off Prue and has a premonition.) You know, that was the premonition which I had before. 

Prue: Of what? 

Penelope: Of Andy, here, being killed by a demon. 

Commercial Break 

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