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From Fear to Eternity

Zoe: I thought you might come. But I have nothing for you here.

Barbas: Oh, you couldn't be more wrong, witch. You're all alone, that's all I need.

Zoe: You have no power over me. I have evolved powers to release all mortal fears. My inner strength will destroy you. (Barbas passes his hand across her face. Barbas makes the flame from a candle fall on the carpet. She tries to stamp it out with her foot.)

Barbas: You didn't release your fear of fire, you only repressed it. (The fire spreads and flames surround her.)

Zoe: No, please.

Barbas: Save it for another life time. You're frozen in fear.

(Cut to outside. Prue knocks on the door.)

Prue: Hello? (Zoe screams and Prue uses her power to open the door. She walks inside and sees Zoe dead on the floor with white hair.)

Commercial Break

(Scene: Zoe's apartment. Police and photographer's are there. Andy walks up to Morris.)

Andy: Sorry I'm late. So what do we have?

Morris: The coroner said there are no burn marks on the body. She didn't die of smoke inhalation, her heart gave up just like the others. (He looks at Andy's shoes.) And I can't believe you're wearing the serial shoe again.

Andy: They're my good luck charm.

Morris: They're embarrassing.

Andy: This is the fifth woman with ties of the occult that's been found dead since midnight. Now tell me it's not the work of some serial nutcase.

Morris: I can't but it still doesn't mean those shoes aren't embarrassing.

Cop: (To Morris) Inspector, would you have a look at this? (Morris goes to talk to the cop. Andy looks under the sheet that's covering the body. Morris comes back.)

Morris: Doorman, he says there was a signing log. Wanna guess who the last person was to see the victim?

Andy: I'm gonna guess the killer.

Morris: Prue.

(Scene: Quake. Prue, Penelope and Piper are sitting at a table.)

Piper: What did you tell Andy?

Prue: I didn't talk to Andy. I didn't want him to know I was anywhere near there so I called 911 and I left.

Penelope: Are you sure you're okay?

Prue: Yeah, it's just, uh, I can't get her face out of my mind, you know. There was so much fear and her hair was pure white, the terror that she must of felt. It's just...

Penelope: Okay, I'm scared enough, thank you. So now what?

Piper: We avoid any place he can use to terrorise us.

Penelope: And what about all the other witches?

Prue: Well, I took Zoe's day runner. Some of the names in there have got to be witches. I'll start making phone calls. (Prue reaches for the salt and knocks the jar over spilling some salt.)

Piper: Oh, oh, quick. Throw some over your shoulder.

Prue: Don't be ridiculous.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now