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Thank You For Not Morphing

(Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Piper and Penelope's there. Penelope sits down at the table. Prue and Piper are looking through the drawers.) 

Penelope: You don't know for sure. 

Prue: I know plenty. First someone rips off the attic door, then the Book Of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough? (Piper gets a phone book out of a drawer.) 

Piper: Why would somebody want the book? Here. (She hands the phone book to Prue and they both sit down at the table.) 

Prue: Well, for one reason, they know what it can do. They want its power, our power.

Piper: That would mean it's someone who knows us and knows that we're witches. 

Prue: Yeah, someone like Victor. 

Penelope: What? Dad? 

Prue: Look, just think about it. The moment he shows up someone makes two attempts to grab the book. Coincidence? I think not. 

Piper: The craft is a chick thing, Prue. It's passed on down through the female line. There's a good chance dad doesn't even know we're charmed. 

Prue: And there's as good of a chance he does. (Penelope remembers the premonition she had.) 

Piper: What would he want with the book? And why would he take it from us? Penelope, help me out here. Penelope. 

Penelope: Okay. Let's just say for the sake of argument that he is after the it. Wouldn't he of taken it with him? He wouldn't of left it behind. 

Piper: Okay, we have to call the cops and report it as break in. 

Prue: And tell them what? That someone broke into our house to try steal our broomsticks? I mean, please. Besides, Andy's already been here. 

Penelope: Oh, so Andy was here again. Talk about convenient. Did you ever think about pointing the finger at him? 

Prue: He's probably the one who scared Victor away. Until we find out what's going on and whether Victor's involved or not, we've got to hide the book. Either that or we can't leave the house. 

Piper: Fine. Then we hide the book because I'm going to dinner tonight. I wanna see dad. 

Penelope: So do I. Prue: I've already seen him. 

(Scene: Restaurant. Piper, Penelope and Victor are sitting at a table. Piper's nibbling on a carrot stick.)

Victor: Girls, it's so nice to see you. It's not like we don't have a lot to talk about.

Penelope: We do. I mean, yeah, we have a few questions. 

Victor: (To Piper) You know, the last time we ate dinner together, you would only eat food that was white. I'm glad to see you've out grown it.

Piper: That's right. I was four. 

Victor: Penelope, that would've made you what? One? (She nods.) You know, you couldn't walk yet but you could swim. You were a fish. (Penelope laughs.) This feels right doesn't it? This feels natural, almost like normal. 

Piper: Almost. It's just, um, well, why? I mean, after all this time, why here, why now? 

Victor: Well, I heard the food is pretty good here and it is dinner time. (Penelope laughs. The waiter places a plate in front of Penelope.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now