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The Wendigo

Piper: Um, anyway, from what I gather, it strikes during the three phases of the full moon. Which means it may try again tonight.

Billy: That's what it did before, Amazing. You know I've been tracking this thing for two months and in one night you're a PHD. in Wendigo.

Piper: Well, I've read more about it. Um, I should call Andy, I mean Inspector Trudeau and tell him this.

Billy: No, Agent Fallon's better. She's been so great to me ever since Laura and... she's already a believer. I'll tell her, okay. (Piper stands up.)

Piper: Whoa. Dizzy.

Billy: You okay?

Piper: Must have stood up too fast. Will you call me after you see her please?

Billy: Sure.

Piper: I can help, Billy. I can't tell you exactly how or why, but I just want you to know I can. You're not in this alone.

Billy: I know. (He leaves. The phone rings. Piper answers it.)

Piper: Quake.

Andy: Piper, it's Andy. Just checking in to see how you're doing.

Piper: Oh, Andy, that's sweet. Um, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.

Andy: Yeah, well, you should be at home relaxing.

Piper: I'm okay. Listen, Billy Waters just left. He's on his way to the Federal Building to see Agent Fallon. He has a theory on the attacks.

Andy: I'll let her know. Rest up okay and stay out of dark, scary places for a while will ya.

Piper: Okay.

Andy: Take care. (They hang up.)

(Cut to the Police Station. Agent Fallon is sitting at a desk behind Andy. Andy turns around.)

Andy: Billy's on his way over to your office. Apparently he has some information on the attacks.

Agent Fallon: Really? I guess I better go. You seem pretty familiar with the witness.

Andy: Piper? Yeah, I dated her sister.

Agent Fallon: Dated? Past tense?

Andy: It's a long story. Why?

Agent Fallon: Just curious. Wouldn't want a love sick cop on my hands. Especially if that's what the creature was after.

Andy: What makes you think it is?

Agent Fallon: You got a better explanation of why it rips the heart out of its victims?

Andy: Maybe. I've just gone over the coroner's report from Chicago, New Orleans. It turns out all the victims were AB negative.

Agent Fallon: Chosen by blood type? That's a new one.

Andy: And plus they're all killed in threes. The night before, the night after and the night of the full moon. Piper would have been the second.

Agent Fallon: Well, if you're right, that means the creature will try again tonight.

Andy: I'm not all together convinced that it's quote on quote creature. The blood types, the full moon, the stolen hearts. It feels like ritual. And ritual is human. It could be just one sick mind behind these crimes.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now