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1x16 Which Prue is it Anyway?

(Scene: At a gym. Two guys are boxing in a boxing ring. Gabriel walks in. One of the boxer's brutally punches the other and the referee stops the fight.)

(Time lapse. Luther Stubbs is putting his stuff in a bag. Gabriel walks up to him.)

Gabriel: Luther Stubbs.

Stubbs: Yeah, who wants to know? Gabriel: I'm a fan. I saw your bout in St. Louis three years ago. Bloodiest fight I've ever seen. Hear the boxer didn't even make it to the hospital. Died in the ring.

Stubbs: Yeah, well, you know. Everybody gotta go sometime.

Gabriel: I wanna know what it felt like to take another life with your own hands.

Stubbs: The guy didn't even cut me, man. Now move.

Gabriel: Not till I get what I came for.

Stubbs: And what might that be?

Gabriel: Your killer instinct. (Gabriel gets his crystal sword out stabs him. A bright light shines out of Luther's body and into Gabriel's sword.)

(Scene: Manor. Prue and Piper walk in the house through the front door.)

Piper: And since it's time for Quake's yearly inventory, I have to count everything in the restaurant down to the last wissel stick. It's gonna take days.

Prue: I guess that's why you get paid the medium sized bucks.

Piper: And which bucks would those be exactly? (Prue notices a statue standing in the living room.)

Prue: Okay, okay, what's wrong with this picture?

Piper: Beside from me not getting paid enough.

Prue: No. What is grams' statue still doing in the living room?

Piper: We talked about it last night remember?

Prue: Yes, I do remember, and I thought that we agreed that it was an issue and she was going back to storage.

Piper: That is before I learned that storage down town is now 90 bucks a month and storage here is free. So, I called Penelope and decided that she can stay here and last time I checked we were still living in a democracy.

Prue: Okay, but Piper, she's ugly.

Piper: Majority rules, sis. Unless, you can move her. (Prue tries to move her with her power. She can't.)

Prue: Ohh... okay, okay, that didn't work.

Piper: It's solid marble. It took eight of Penelope's bouncer friends to move it. It's too heavy for you.

Prue: You know, my powers are still growing and one day...

Piper: You can move it into the basement. But until then suffer.

Penelope: (From other room) Eeyah!

Prue: Penelope.

(Cut to the living room. Penelope is kicking and punching a dummy.)

Prue: Penelope?

Penelope: Ooh, hi. I uh... I was just, uh...

Piper: Opening up a can of whoop ass.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now