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The Forth Sister

Penelope: This girl just found our cat for us. 

Aviva: Aviva. 

Prue: Well that's great. Um, is fifty bucks enough? 

Aviva: Uh, I don't... I don't want a reward. (She stands up.) We need to talk. 

Prue: About what? 

Aviva: About Wicca. 

Prue: Uh (Leo enters.) Andy Trudeau, this is Leo Wyatt. You guys chat. We'll be right back. 

Penelope: OK. (Piper and Penelope get up and lead Aviva away.) 

Andy: Hey. (Andy and Leo shake hands.) 

Piper: Thanks again. (They push Aviva away.) 

Penelope: Yeah. I'm sorry you can't stay. 

Aviva: I'm not leaving. Don't you understand? I'm one of you. (She points at the popcorn Andy has and it began to rise.) 

Piper: No. (Piper stops time. Aviva doesn't freeze.) 

Aviva: Very cool. (She walks around Leo and Andy.) 

Piper: Um, wait. You didn't... she didn't... you didn't freeze? (Aviva walks back to them.) 

Aviva: That's because I'm a witch too. 

Prue: A what? 

Aviva: Look, I just want to be friends. 

Piper: Uh, guys, we have about 20 seconds until they unfreeze. 

Penelope: How did you find out about us? 

Aviva: I'm gonna need more than 20 seconds for that. 

Piper: We really need to move things along here Prue. 

Prue: OK. You need to leave here now. 

Aviva: What? A.. why? 

Prue: Because we don't know who the hell you really are, so just leave. OK? Go. Go. Go. (She pushes Aviva.) 

Aviva: No. I'm not leaving. I just saved your cat. 

Prue: Leave now or else. 

Aviva: Or else what. (She looks at the tape Prue has and it burns. Prue drops it. Aviva leaves. Time unfreezes. The popcorn bursts open and popcorn is thrown all over the place.) 

Andy: What the hell? (They clean the popcorn off themselves.) 

Leo: Hey, where did that girl go? 

Penelope: Uh. She just (Prue uses her power to make the front door slam.) 

Prue: Uh! Left. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali.) 

Aviva: You said if I brought them back their cat 

Kali: Was it the oldest? Was it Prue that sent you away? 

Aviva: Yes. 

Kali: Avoid her. She's the strongest. You must separate them. Together they're Charmed. Impenetrable. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now