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When Bad Warlocks Go Good

Penelope: The look? 

Piper: You know, the look that proceeds the kiss. You look at each other the same time, you smile at each other the same time. 

Penelope: Well, that's great. I knew you'd have a good time. 

Piper: No, Penelope, this is exactly what I did not want to happen. Is that water I hear running? 

Penelope: Uh, water? I don't know, maybe just a little. Hey, you know, just out of curiosity, if you were the water shut off valve, where would you be? (Piper hangs up and Josh unfreezes.) 

Josh: Hey, uh, where'd you get the phone? 

Piper: Uh, Penelope just called, there's an emergency at the restaurant. I gotta go. (She kisses him on the cheek.) Um, I had a really great time, thanks. 

Josh: You're welcome. 

(Scene: Church. Father Austin is on the floor and is badly hurt. A warlock is next to him. Prue enters the church and sees what has happened. The warlock sees Prue and turns back into a human. It's Brendan.) 

Brendan: Prue. (He runs off. Two nuns see what's happened.) 

Nun: Dear God. 

Prue: Call 911. Hurry. (She runs after Brendan.) 

(Cut to outside. Prue trips Brendan by using her powers.) 

Brendan: Prue, wait. You don't understand. 

Prue: Don't I? 

Brendan: I didn't hurt father Austin. I found him like that, I swear. 

Prue: Before of after you turned into a warlock? 

Brendan: After. When I saw what they did to him I was crazed. The rage turned me into a warlock. Look, don't believe me I don't care. Just at least let me call the paramedics, please. Don't let him die. I'm begging you. 

Prue: They've already been called. 

Brendan: Thank you. 

Prue: Do you actually expect me to believe that you're a good warlock? 

Brendan: No. There's no such thing. I can explain it to you if you let me. I can make you understand. I won't hurt you. I need your help. 

Prue: For what? 

Brendan: To stop the other warlocks. To stop my brothers. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Outside church. The paramedics are putting Father Austin in the ambulance. Andy and Morris are there.) 

Morris: I got an eye witness. A nun. Saw someone she ID'd as Brendan Rowe. Apparently Mr. Rowe lives in the rectory. You alright? 

Andy: No, I'm not. Father Austin's my priest. He gave me my first communion. What kind of animal would do this? 

Morris: You wanna follow him to the hospital? 

Andy: No. I wanna catch the scum that did this to him. 

(Scene: Quake. Piper gives the man that fixed the water a cheque.) 

Piper: (To a man) Thank you. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now