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1x18 When Bad Warlocks Go Good

(Scene: Church. Brendan and a priest are there.) 

Brendan: I wake up at night, my heart pounding, a voice whispering in my head your a fraud, you can't fool God. 

Priest: These are not new fears, Brendan. I've watched you grow, wept for you, rejoiced in you, you are not a fraud. I know your heart. 

Brendan: You don't know my family, father. Generations of evil. Evil that's in my blood. 

Priest: The blood of the sacrament washes it clean. 

Greg: Hello, Brendan. 

Paul: Long time no see. 

Brendan: How'd you find me? 

Greg: Yeah, good to see you too. Didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. We'll wait outside for you so we can have a family reunion. 

(Scene: Outside the church. Prue, Penelope and Piper are getting stuff out of the van.) 

Prue: Hey, you know what? The next time the Quake does a food pantry why don't you call some guys. 

Piper: Yeah, I'll just go through my handy guy rolodex. 

Penelope: Which I believe now stops a 'J' for Josh or is it 'B' for boyfriend. 

Piper: I don't wanna talk about it. 

Penelope: Why not Piper? You know you like him and he calls you all the time. Why don't you just go out with him? 

Piper: I told you because I'm too busy with work and my instincts are telling me to lay low. Prue: Always trust your instincts. 

Penelope: Who's side are you on? (They see some nuns.) 

Piper: Now they have the right idea. 

Penelope: Who, the nuns? 

Piper: Yep, nice safe environment. 

Penelope: Yeah, if you like monks. 

Piper: Stress free, no need to worry about guys, no wardrobe. 

Penelope: No wardrobe? Okay, now you're scaring me. 

Piper: Um, whose pen is this? 

Prue: Oh, it's uh, Brendan's I think, you know the cute guy that signed for the food, remember? 

Penelope: I remember him, yes. 

Piper: Good, then you can take it to him. I think he's in the church office. 

Penelope: Okay, just don't go taking any vows while I'm gone, alright? (Piper hands Penelope the pen and Phoebe has a premonition.) Oh, oh, cute guy, I just saw him being attacked by a warlock. I think it was here somewhere. 

Prue: Alright, let's split up. 

(Cut to inside the church. Brendan and his brothers are there.) 

Greg: Give it up little brother. You're praying to the wrong deity. Aren't you Brendan. I mean after all, we can't deny who we are. Brendan: You don't scare me Greg. 

Greg: Sure I do. (He turns into a warlock.) We've come a long way to find you. We're not leaving until you join us. 

Paul: Please Brendan, we don't want to hurt you. (Greg hits Brendan and he falls to the floor.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now