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I've got you under my skin

Britney: You know me? Is that my name?

(Scene: Bucklands. Outside Rex's office. Prue's there.)

Rex: Prue, thank you for coming back.

Prue: Well, thanks for having me back, although I must admit I didn't expect it.

Rex: I told you I was interested and I am. But first of all I decided to test your expertise if you don't mind. See how good you really are. (They walk down the hallway.) This is Hannah Webster, one of our assistant specialists. This is Prue Halliwell. (They shake hands.)

Prue: Nice to meet you.

Rex: Please, tell us about this piece. (They show her a painting.)

Prue: Well, Madonna of Meadow, Giovanni Berlini, 16th century, fabulous piece. Worth 3, 4 million dollars easily if it wasn't a copy.

Hannah: What makes you think it's a copy?

Prue: Too well preserved, no yellowing. Besides, the frame support is in pine and Italian painters used poplar back then.

Rex: Um, what about this one?

Prue: Day-gar. Actually, this was the only sculpture he exhibited himself. (Hannah knocks a ladder and a tin of paint falls above Prue.)

Rex: Watch out! (Prue puts her hands up to block the paint and she accidentally uses her power and the paint moves and misses her.) Are you okay?

Prue: Uh, uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

Rex: You sure? I'm sorry, I can't believe that happened.

Prue: It's okay.

Rex: Well, uh, I really don't know what to say, except you're hired, if you still want the job.

Prue: Are you serious?

Rex: Can you start Monday?

Prue: Yeah, absolutely.

Rex: Terrific. It's done then. Yeah, we can sort out the details when you come in. In the mean time, welcome aboard.

Prue: Thanks. Bye. (Prue walks away.)

Rex: Well, what do you think?

Hannah: I think she's either the luckiest woman alive or she's a witch.

(Scene: Manor. Prue enters.)

Prue: Piper? Penelope? Guess what? (Britney walks in the foyer.)

Britney: What? (Piper walks in holding a bowl.)

Piper: Prue, thank God you're home.

Prue: Yeah, who, uh...

Piper: Here you go, Britney. (She hands her the bowl.) Why don't you go sit down at the table, okay? There you go. (Britney walks over to the table.)

Prue: Um, sorry, Britney?

Piper: You're not gonna believe this. I'm not sure I do. I think... no, I know, this woman is Britney Reynolds.

Prue: Yeah, right, Piper and I'm Rosey O'Donnell.

Piper: No, I mean it. Britney had a tattoo, right? An angel on her right hand, remember? (Prue looks over at Britney and notices the tattoo.)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now