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From Fear to Eternity

(Scene: SWA Properties. Penelope's sitting at a desk. A man walks in.)

Penelope: Hi, may I help you?

Man: Hi, I was looking for Susan.

Penelope: Oh, she's not here but I can tell her you came by. What's your name?

Richard: Richard Warner.

Penelope: Oh, you're Susan's husband.

Richard: Unless she's got one I don't know about. (Penelope laughs.)

Penelope: No, no. She doesn't have another husband.

Richard: I thought I'd surprise her and take her to dinner. Do you know where she is?

Penelope: Uh, she went out.

Richard: Okay, well, I think we established that. Do you know where?

Penelope: Uh, well, she... that's actually interesting, she, uh... I can't do this.

Richard: I don't understand.

Penelope: I'm sorry, Mr. Warner, but I can't be the assistant your wife wants without compromising my beliefs and I just won't do that.

Richard: Wait a minute, slow down.

Penelope: Don't worry about the office, I will lock up. (She writes a note.)

Richard: Thank you.

Penelope: For what?

Richard: For not lying to me about Susan's affair.

Penelope: You knew?

Richard: I've tried denying it for some time now but I guess there comes a time when you have to face the truth.

Penelope: I'm so sorry.

Richard: Don't be, you mustn't. Don't quit on my behalf.

Penelope: I'm not. (He leaves. The phone rings.) SWA Property. Woman on

Phone: Hello, may I speak to Susan?

Penelope: Uh, no, she's not in right now. Can I take a message? Woman on

Phone: I'm outside a house she was supposed to show me and she's not here.

Penelope: Uh, well, I'm sorry but she must of forgotten. She's out for the rest of the day.

Woman on Phone: Can anybody help me? I flew in from L.A. just to see this house. I'm under a terrible deadline to move from my other house.

Penelope: Uh, no one's here. But you know, since you flew in and all, I guess I can show you the property. What's the address?

(Scene: At the property. Penelope walks in the yard.)

Penelope: Mrs. Juffy? Hello? Mrs. Juffy? SWA Properties. (She hears a voice behind her.)

Woman: Hello, dear. (Penelope turns around and it's Barbas imitating a woman's voice.) Thanks so (his voice changes back) much for coming out. (He grabs her.)

Penelope: Let go or I'll scream.

Barbas: I could use the fix. (He passes his hand in front of her face.)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now