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Dead Man Dating

(Scene: Chinatown. Mark and Piper walk into a warehouse. Piper is holding a newspaper.) 

Mark: I don't know about this, Piper, I think it's too dangerous. 

Piper: It's your only chance. 

Mark: Piper, listen to me. You don't wanna go up there. Those men pulled the trigger on me without even thinking. They'll kill you. 

Piper: I can freeze things, remember? 

Mark: But there's three thugs in there. (They walk up some stairs.) 

Piper: Keep talking. 

Mark: With guns. 

Piper: Even better. 

Mark: Wait, wait, wait. They've got an amulet on the door, can't go in. (Piper unhooks it and drops it on the floor.) Never mind. Scared? 

Piper: Terrified. Trust me, that's a good thing. (Piper barges in a room and freezes Tony and his gang.) Okay, phew. We gotta hurry. (Piper sits the paper in Tony's hands, stands back and takes a photo.) Say cheese. (They unfreeze.) 

Mark: Run! (They run outside and Tony and his gang follow. Mark and Piper jump in the car and drive off. Tony writes down the car's license plate number.) 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Outside the police station. Piper walks out of the station and over to Mark, who is standing beside her car.) 

Piper: Okay, all set. I snuck the photograph into Andy's inner office mail. 

Mark: My after life's in the hands of a cop named Andy. 

Piper: He's an Inspector and he's very good, Mark. After he sees Wong is alive, he'll know exactly what to do. 

Mark: Bust Wong maybe, but that doesn't help me. They won't have anyway of identifying the body is mine. 

Piper: I put your name in with the picture. Andy will get dental records or something and match it up. All we have to do is keep Yama away from you until then. 

Mark: I don't know what to say. 

Piper: Don't say anything. I made you a promise didn't I? (Piper opens the car door for Mark. Andy sees Piper and walks towards her.) As much as I like you, I have no intention of joining you. 

Andy: Talking to yourself, huh?

(Piper quickly closes the car door.) 

Piper: Andy, hi. Yeah, um, it's an old habit, I do it all the time. 

Andy: My mum uses to call it interesting conversations with an interesting person. 

Piper: Yeah? Interesting. 

Mark: Very. 

Andy: Not that it's not a pleasure but what are you doing here? 

Piper: Oh, nothing, you know, just passing by. 

Andy: Prue tell you what's going on? 

Piper: No. Well, yeah, I mean, sort of. Kind of screwed up, huh? 

Andy: Any idea what I should do? 

Mark: Oh, that Andy. 

Piper: Yeah... I mean, yeah, um, hmm, just give her some space, let her work it through. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now