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Which Prue is it Anyway?

Piper: No, because there might be a power of three solution to this. 

Prue: Yeah, but the Book of Shadows doesn't say that. And besides it's me he's after not you and Penelope. 

Piper: Okay, okay, maybe we should lay low for a few days, you know, use up our sick days. 

Prue: And wait for Gabriel to find us? And he might hurt one of you to get to me and I will not take that risk. (She stands up.) 

Piper: Okay, Prue, but wait, okay wait, at least let us vote on this. 

Prue: Alright. All in favour of me saying the incantation raise their hands. (Penelope and Prue raise their hands.) Sorry sis, majority rules. (She goes upstairs.) 

Piper: But Prue... 

Prue: (To herself) "Take my powers blessed be, multiply their strength by three." (Piper gives Penelope a look.) 

Penelope: What? 

Piper: You know what. 

Penelope: I'm sorry but I really don't have a problem with Prue saying the incantation. 

Piper: The problem is we're in this together and together we're supposed to solve our problems. 

Penelope: And together we rely on the the Book of Shadows when we're in trouble. Think about it, Piper, what's the worst thing that could happen? (They hear thunder coming from the attic.) 

Piper: What did I tell you? (They run up the stairs.) 

(Cut to the attic. Prue is kneeling on the floor. There is a light swirling around her.) 

Piper: Oh my God! 

Penelope: Oh my God! (Prue multiplies. The three Prue's stand up.) 

Penelope: Prue? 

All three Prue's: What? 

Penelope: Okay. (she counts) 1, 2, 3. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Manor. Penelope and Piper are standing in front of the bathroom door.) 

Penelope: Hello? There are other people in this house that have styling needs too. 

Piper: Is there a Prue in there also? 

Penelope: One of them, yes. 

Piper: I'm gonna have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink if I want to get to work on time. Do you know which is the real Prue yet? 

Penelope: Oh, I don't know. It could be the upstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the downstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the sitting in the kitchen drinking all the coffee Prue. (Prue comes out of the bathroom.) 

Prue: Is there a problem? 

Piper: Aside from you going off and casting a spell that's kept all our bathrooms busy for the past three hours. Nothing. 

Prue: Don't blame me, I didn't cast the spell. 

Penelope: Great, you're a clone. 

Prue: Well, no, I'm not exactly a clone, I mean I do have all of Prue's memories up until the time she cast the spell, so, in a lot of ways I am Prue. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now