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Wicca Envy

Piper: How is that possible? 

Penelope: Mind control, astral projection, throwing charms, who knows? Prue is right about Rex, which means, I'm dating a warlock. 

Piper: Been there, done that. 

(Scene: Police station. Prue's pacing in her jail cell and a guy in the cell next to her is making kissing noises. Prue uses her power and throws him up against the wall.) 

(Cut to in the station.) 

Morris: Hey. 

Andy: Hey. 

Morris: You wanna talk? 

Andy: I'm just running background checks on all the other employees at the auction house. 

Morris: That's not what I meant, Andy. 

Andy: Andy? Did you just call me by my first name? I wasn't even sure you knew it. 

Morris: I heard Prue say it. 

Andy: She didn't do it, Morris. 

Morris: You keep saying that. 

Andy: It's too pat, too easy. The evidence just keeps falling in our laps. 

Morris: Maybe her sister was right. Maybe your personal feelings are getting in the way. 

Andy: We've had that conversation okay. 

Morris: Okay. But you have to admit. You stopped seeing Prue for a reason, you thought she was hiding something from you. How do you know she wasn't hiding something like this? 

Andy: A secret life of crime, I don't think so. 

Morris: You got a better explanation? You wanna book her into county jail? 

Andy: No, let's just keep her here for as long as we can. At least until the arraignment. 

(Scene: Manor. Piper comes down the stairs holding the tiara.) 

Penelope: Piper, what are you doing? 

Piper: Getting rid of the evidence. They can't bust Prue for murder if they don't have a motive. 

Penelope: Mouth, Leo's in the kitchen. 

Piper: Oh, he is? Really? 

Penelope: Focus and think. The last thing we have to worry about is the legal system. We're up against a warlock now. 

Piper: Two, if Prue's right about Hannah. 

Penelope: Exactly, which means we have to figure out what they want. It can't just be to frame Prue. 

Piper: Unless is doing so, somehow they think they can't get her powers, which is what warlocks want. 

Penelope: Which means they're trying to divide us so that we don't have the power of three to stop them. 

Piper: What are we gonna do? 

Penelope: We have no choice. (Penelope hides the tiara in a closet. As she walks past the couch, you see Rex has astral projected into their house and is sitting on the couch.) Let's go. 

Piper: Go? Go where? Penelope? 

Penelope: Piper, it's gonna be all right. 

(Cut to the police station. Piper and Penelope are around the back.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now