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1x22 Deja Vu All Over Again

(Scene: Rodriguez's place. He's looking at pictures of Prue, Piper and Penelope. Tempus appears in a ball of flame.) 

Rodriguez: Tempus... 

Tempus: I never expected to see me. Of course not. You are not worthy before now. What is the name you are using? 

Rodriguez: Rodriguez. 

Tempus: Ah, yes. I have been sent to you, Rodriguez. As a gift. 

Rodriguez: Sent? By who? 

Tempus: I think you know who and why. 

Rodriguez: I can defeat the Charmed Ones on my own. I don't need any help. 

Tempus: Really. What makes you think you have actually found the Charmed Ones? 

Rodriguez: Are you kidding? After so many of my colleagues have mysteriously vanished in San Francisco this year. It can only be one reason why. I posed as a cop as I believed that one was covering for them. I was right, he was. That's how I found them. Of course, you already know all that don't you. That's what makes me so worthy now, right? 

Tempus: Watch your tongue, Rodriguez, lest I split it for you. It's one thing to have found the Charmed Ones, it's quite another to defeat them as those who have gone before you have already discovered. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I want you to get all three witches together in one place by midnight and give it your best shot. But if you fail... 

Rodriguez: I will not fail. 

Tempus: Well, if you do, I'll be there to help you learn by you failures. Trust me. Now, how do you expect to get them together? 

Rodriguez: Trudeau. 

(Scene: A paperboy rides along the road, a car honks and he waves. He throws the paper on the Halliwell's lawn. Inside the manor.) 

Weather Girl: (On TV) Good morning, San Francisco. Well, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful Wednesday. 

Penelope: (On the phone) Piper, what are you doing at Quake? It's 8:00 in the morning. (Prue enters the kitchen.) 

Prue: Morning. 

Penelope: Morning. (To Piper) Yes, alright, I'll be there in an hour. (You can see Kit on the bench and he knocks over a pepper shaker.) 

Prue: You'll be where in an hour? 

Penelope: Ah, Quake. Piper's doing that thing for the food network and she needs me to bring her another dress because she spilt marinara sauce over the one she's wearing. 

Prue: Just stay out of my closet. 

Penelope: Oh, don't worry, I don't think she'd want to ruin another one of yours. 

Prue: (Reading the paper) I don't believe this. 

Penelope: I'm kidding. Don't have an aneurysm. 

Prue: No, I'm talking about the paper. Did you see the front page? (Penelope shakes her head. They hear a crash outside.) Where did you park my car last night? 

Penelope: In the driveway... I think. (They run to the window.) 

Prue: Mrs. Henderson's car. 

Penelope: Oh, thank God. I mean, that your car's in the driveway and I'm not in the dog house. Is she okay? 

Prue: Yeah, just a little fender bender, no big deal. Penelope, Andy's in trouble. 

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