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Is There A Woogy In The House?

(Cut to the basement. Penelope's walking down the stairs.)

Penelope: (To the Woggyman.) Thanks for my new power.

Woggyman: You must not fail me again. You must use powers against your sisters.

Penelope: Please don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt them.

Woggyman: Penelope, you are not strong enough to fight me.

Commercial Break

(Scene: Halliwell Manor. Basement. Penelope's sitting on a chair filing her nails.)

Woggyman: It is almost time. Use your powers.

(Cut to the kitchen. Piper goes to turn on the blender but gets an electric shock.)

Piper: Ahh! (Prue enters the kitchen.)

Prue: There is larva water spewing from the shower heads. Did you turn off the water heater again?

Piper: No. No, I (She goes to turn on the food processor and she gets an electric shock.) Ow! Alright, the earthquake must of messed up the wiring or something. Try cooking a feast when your own kitchen is attacking you.

Prue: Just relax. We still have an hour before (The door bell rings. Piper looks at her watch.)

Piper: It's 7.00. How can that be? The-the-the clock on the microwave says (The clock on the microwave is flashing.)

Prue: Something weird is going on. (Penelope walks out of the basement.)

Penelope: Is anyone going to answer that?

Piper: Penelope?

Prue: Wait, am seeing things? Or did you just come from the basement? Wait what about the Woggyman?

Penelope: It's just a story remember. (To Prue) You should probably finish getting ready.

(Cut to the foyer. Penelope opens the door. Professor Whittlesey, Claire and Josh stand there.)

Penelope: Welcome to Halliwell Manor. My name is Penelope. I'll be your cruise director for this evening.

(Cut back to the kitchen.)

Piper: (To herself.) Everything is fine. This is fine. (She pours flour into a measuring cup and misses.) This is utter disaster. I am a good person. What did I do to deserve this? (She buries her face in her hands. The guy Piper met at the wine store enters.)

Josh: Prue told me to give this to the chef. (He's holding a bottle of wine.)

Piper: You!

Josh: Most people call me Josh. I uh, wow, I work for Professor Whittlesey.

Piper: You're the plus one.

Josh: Last bottle. Uh, you have flour on your right uh (Piper tries to wipe the flour off her face but misses half of it.) Perfect. (Josh leaves as Penelope enters.)

Penelope: Are you planning on feeding the people in the living room?

Piper: Of course. Um, I've got what have I got?

Penelope: What's in there? (She walks over to a large roasting pan.)

Piper: Duck medallion. But no, no. That's supposed to be part of dinner. Okay, now I guess it's an appetiser. Okay, go, go. Mingle. Mingle, mingle.

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