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1x07 The Forth Sister

(Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva puts a small statue on the rug in front of her. She is also in front of the mirror. Aviva is dressed in black and has black candles lit around her. All but one. She lights it. She then gets into meditating position.) 

Aviva: Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. (In the mirror, Kali appears.) 

Kali: I'm here Aviva. 

Aviva: It's been over a week. 

Kali: I know. Be patient Aviva. 

Aviva: But I've done everything that you've asked. I've followed the Halliwell sisters. I know their every move. 

Kali: Which will all become valuable in good time. You must trust me. You must make them want you as badly as you want them. (Aviva looks at the closet.) 

Aviva: I talked to my mom today. 

Kali: How is she? 

Aviva: I don't know. She's better I think. I miss her. 

Kali: She's gonna be so proud of you. 

Aviva: Yeah? I hope so. 

Kali: Are you ready to receive your power? 

Aviva: (Giggling a little) You know I am. 

Kali: Remember, it's a sacred power. If I give it to you, you must use it only as I say. 

Aviva: I will. I promise. 

Kali: Very well. Reach for the mirror. Put out your hands. Feel the power. (Aviva reaches her hands towards the mirror. Aviva's hands begin to glow. She receives the power. Her hands stop glowing and she puts them down.) You know what to do. Go to Penelope, Piper, and Prue. (Aviva grabs her coat and leaves. We see flames in the mirror. Kali appears as her evil demon self.) 

(Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is sitting in the chair holding REWARD flyers for Kit. Leo walks in. He moves the fireplace screen from the fireplace and looks in the fireplace and sticks a tool up at it.) 

Leo: Uh well I think I see yep. There's definitely something here. 

Piper: (To herself) Definitely. (Penelope enters the living room with a mug of coffee and makes her way around the sofa while saying this.) 

Penelope: Oh my. Santa, you've changed. 

Piper: He's looking for Kit. 

Penelope: The cat. Right. Four legs and fur. I remember. (Mouthing to Piper) Oh my god! (Leo gets up from the fireplace.) 

Leo: Sorry. You know, have you tried the shelter? 

Piper: Yeah. Nothing. 

Leo: Well, she had her collar on right? With your number on it and everything? 

Penelope: A very distinctive collar actually. 

Piper: Anyway (She stands up.) Uh, thanks for looking. I'm sure you must be hungry after all that work. 

Leo: All what work? (Penelope laughs a little and puts her arm around Piper.) 

Penelope: Oh, that's just Piper. She's gotta be everyone's mom. Think of her as your mom. I know I do. (They all laugh a little.) 

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