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Feats of Clay

Coroner: Found someone's business card in his pocket. (He reads the card.) Buckland Auction House?

Andy: Ah-ah-ah. Let me guess, Prue Halliwell?

Coroner: Yeah, how'd you know?

Andy: I'm cursed. Let me know when you get the report back on the sting. (Andy walks out in the hallway. He bumps into Clay.) Excuse me. (He continues walking. Clay looks in the room and sees Palmer getting zipped up in a body bag.)

Clay: Palmer?

(Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. The picture appears back on the urn. Prue and Claire walk in.)

Claire: Lot 49 - $2600, lot 50 - $15000, lot 51 - excluded. (She sees the urn.) Shouldn't that be turned into proper authorities?

Prue: I'm contacting customs as soon as we're finished here. Look, again, I just wanna assure you that I didn't have anything to do with...

Claire: Just handle it. How did we do?

Prue: $1.28 million. We did it.

Claire: The auction house lives to see another day. Congratulations. (They shake hands.) Good work.

Prue: Thanks. (Claire leaves. Andy walks in.) Andy, hi. Here to arrest me again?

Andy: Mmm, not this time. (He sees a picture of scorpion on the urn.) A scorpion? Why am I not surprised?

Prue: I'm afraid I don't...

Andy: A young man died last night of a scorpion sting. Palmer Kellogg, you know him?

Prue: I don't believe I do.

Andy: Well, he obviously knew you. I found your card on his body.

Prue: We did just have an auction, I met a lot of people.

Andy: Well, I'll bring a photo by later, see if it jogs anything.

Prue: That's fine.

Andy: Prue, listen, just because we're not dating anymore, I want you to know I still care about you. So if you're ever in a jam or you ever need anything, just know you can always call me.

Prue: I know, thanks.

(Scene: Hotel. Clay's room. He's packing. Someone knocks on the door.)

Penelope: Are you in there?

Clay: Penelope? (He opens the door.)

Penelope: You stole the urn didn't you?

Clay: Why don't you come inside?

Penelope: No, I am not going anywhere until you answer the question.

Clay: Okay, yes. (She walks inside.)

Penelope: Were you planning on saying goodbye before you skipped town?

Clay: Palmer's dead, Penelope.

Penelope: What?

Clay: He died from a scorpion sting. I called Wesley to tell him, that's when his parents tell me he's dead too. Spider bite. I don't know how, I don't know why but I know one thing, I'm not gonna stick around.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now