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Dream Sorcerer

Piper: Prue, are you okay? 

Prue: Uh, yeah. 

Piper: You were yelling. 

Prue: Yeah. I had a... I had a really bad thing. 

Piper: A thing? 

Prue: Yeah. Uh, I'm okay now. I promise. Just go back to bed. (Piper leaves. Prue gets out of the bath.) Ow. (She looks at her back and sees scratch marks from the sponge.) Oh, my God. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Piper are there.) 

Prue: Do you remember what mom used to say about nightmares? 

Piper: She said if we saw any monsters to tell them to go away that they didn't exist. Always worked, too. 

Prue: Yeah, well, not this time. He knew about mom. He knew what she told us and how did he know that? And what about the marks on my back. Piper, they were there and now they've disappeared. I don't know how and I don't know why but they were definitely there. 

Piper: How many hours did you work this week? 60, 70? And now what are doing today, on a Saturday, no less? 

Prue: Yeah, well, the auctions starts on Monday and the shipment arrives three days late. And you're changing the subject. You don't believe me. 

Piper: No. I believe you think you saw marks on your back. But I'm watching you down your third cup of coffee and we're talking about a nightmare you had while you asleep in the tub. So isn't it possible that exhaustion made you see those marks and not some dream guy? 

Prue: No. He was in my dream and it was real. 

Piper: So why didn't you use your powers to help you out? You know, move him away. 

Prue: I don't know. (A handsome guy enters wearing no shirt.) 

Hans: Morning. 

Prue: Uh, excuse me but who are you? 

Piper: Who cares? (Hans gets a bottle of milk out of the fridge and drinks it all. Penelope comes in.) 

Penelope: Hans, I found your t... (She sees Piper and Prue.) shirt. 

Hans: Was it in the hammock or... 

Penelope: It doesn't matter. 

Hans: Thanks. 

Penelope: Sure. 

Piper: (Whispering) Hammock? 

Hans: I got to run. 

Penelope: Okay. (They kiss.) 

Hans: I'll meet you later for lunch. 

Penelope: Okay. 

Hans: Oops. I almost forgot. (Hans puts the empty bottle in the recycling bin. He leaves.)

Penelope: Don't worry. We had safe sex. A lot of safe sex. 

Piper: Eww. (Prue laughs.) 

(Scene: Quake. Penelope and Piper are there.) 

Penelope: I'm telling you, Piper. The spell worked. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now