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After the date, I went straight to Malcolm's house.

I texted Inez beforehand, letting her know and she told me to beat him up. Though, I wasn't gonna beat him up.

I was gonna make sure that the father of my children was okay. He doesn't deserve it, but it isn't for his sake I'm checking up on him.

It's for Elsie and it's for Leah's sake.

I let myself into the house with the key that I owned. I slammed the door behind me before I looked around.

The double doors leading to the living room were pulled open completely, revealing the big living room with a dozen of empty bottles in both the sofa table and on the floor around it.

"Malcolm?!" I called out, waiting for a response. Though I heard something in the kitchen so that was where I went first.

He was in the kitchen.

He was leaning against the kitchen island, drinking out of a bottle of firewhisky.

"Seriously?" I asked. "What? Were you drunk when you called me too?"

"What're you doing here?" He asked, his voice weak and drowsy. "Aren't you supposed to be on a date?"

"That's none of your business." I said. "I mean... how do you even know that?!"

He let out a laugh, putting the bottle down. He leaned on the kitchen island as he looked directly at me.

"That what you wore on the date?" He asked, pointing at me. "Oh... I bet he fucked you good, huh? Treated you like the fucking slut that you are."

I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Right, if you want to continue slut-shaming me, I'll leave." I said. "The only reason I came over here was to make sure that my children's dad isn't killing himself with alcohol but right now I couldn't care less."

As I turned around to leave, his voice made me freeze while scaring me at the same.

"Don't fucking walk away from me!" His voice boomed through the kitchen. "Get over here."


"Excuse me?"

I turned around to face him.

"I said; no." I told him. "We are separated, Malcolm... and as soon as you sign those papers, we are divorced. The only reason you are still in my life, is because we have shared custody of the girls, but just because you're still in my life, doesn't mean I'll continue to let you speak to me in that way or treat me like I am garbage."

He pouted at me.

"What? Did your new boyfriend convince you that you're important?" He asked. "That you don't need no man? That you're this wonderful independent woman who is strong enough to stand up for herself?"

He was really testing my last nerve.

"You're not a strong and independent woman, Dahlia." He mocked. "Don't you remember the last time? You were on the floor and you just let me beat you. What— it's like you wanted it."

"You're pathetic." I told him. "Are you just gonna drink your life away? Are you drinking when the girls are here?"

He laughed as he leaned down on the counter. He looked like his legs were gonna give in if he didn't hang onto the counter.

I walked over and grabbed the bottle before walking towards the sink.

"Dahlia, don't—" he didn't get to finish the sentence before I was pouring out the firewhisky. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now