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I put Leah down and brushed my hand over her hair as I nodded towards the sofa where Roxi and Elsie sat.

She walked over and as she crawled up onto the sofa, I looked at George again, waiting for his response.

As he stared at me, he ran his hand over his mouth, making a face.


I walked closer to him and brought a hand up to fix his collar which wasn't tucked down properly.

"She was there when I got there." I said. "And she didn't want to leave when I told her to. She was there when the kids got out from school."

George looked towards Roxanne in the living room, then looked towards the open door to her and Fred's room.

"How did they react?"

I licked my lips.

"They both stood up to her. I could tell that Fred was really struggling with it though, but they both rejected her offer."

"Her offer?"

"She asked for another chance and promised to be a better mother." I said. "They both grabbed my hand and we left as soon as Elsie got outside."

George sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before wrapping an arm around my shoulders, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you." He whispered. "I'm going to speak to Fred about it."

As George walked past, I turned to look at him, seeing him enter his children's room and close the door behind him.

"Mummy?" Elsie called, earning my attention, and I smiled as I looked at the three girls who all stared at me. "Can we watch a film? Roxi says that George bought that film I told you about."

"What film? That one with the girl from Jessie?"

A new show came out at the end of last year about a young woman who comes to New York to act but ends up as a nanny. Elsie absolutely loves it.

"It's called Radio Rebel!" Roxanne said. "It's so good!"

I smiled as I approached the sofa, placing myself behind it. I leaned down with my arms resting over the top of it, brushing my hair through Elsie's hair.

"You can watch a film—"

Elsie and Roxi started cheering, causing me to chuckle.

"...after you've done your homework."

"Aww!" They both complained but they got up either way to get their homework and sit by the table in the kitchen.

I chuckled before I leaned down and brushed my fingers over Leah's cheek.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked as she stood up on her knees to face me.

"Molly is nice." She said. "She gave me apple juice."

"She gave you apple juice?" I gasped. "I hope you remembered to thank her then."

Leah nodded as she studied my earrings, then giggled as she sat back down.

"Sometimes I wonder what's going on inside that head of yours." I smiled, running my hand over her head.

A door opened shortly after and I looked up to see George walk out and close the door behind him.

His eyes met mine and he nodded for me to walk over to him, so I did.

"He's very appreciative of you being there to keep Angelina at a distance." He told me quietly, brushing his fingers up and down my arm in a soothing motion. "Thank you."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now