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After locating the flat where the three boys had been spying, I stepped up to the door and knocked.

I pushed my hands into the pockets of my trousers as I waited.

When the door opened, it was a middle-aged woman there, looking at me in confusion while I offered a smile.

"Yes?" She asked. "What can I help you with?"

"Hi." I greeted. "Do you happen to have three teenage boys in there?"


Her expression turned into an alarmed one as I realised how that sounded.

"Wait... no." I chuckled nervously. "Uh— my girlfriend lives across the street with her two small girls. Your flat has a completely view of the living room and the two bedrooms. She moved in last month."

"Ahhh..." the woman nodded. "Yes, I believe my son and his friends decided to welcome her to the neighbourhood with a bouquet of flower."

I nodded.

"They did... a few days after they spied on us with a pair of binoculars."

"Excuse me?"

"My girlfriend and I were... we were— well let's just say your son and his friends got a show."

Her eyes widened.

"The point is... five minutes ago, they were spying on us again." I said. "Watching us— work out in the bedroom."

"Oh—" the woman cleared her throat. "...oh I'm so sorry. Leo's dad gave him a pair of binoculars for his birthday and he— we've told him to stop peeking through people's windows."

I nodded slowly.

"I'll tell him again of course. I'm so sorry."

"Alright." I nodded. "No worries. I just wanted to make sure you were informed."


I took a shower while George was over, ringing the doorbell of whatever flat those boys were in.

I washed my hair as I was in there and when I got out, I dried my body before walking into my bedroom, using the towel to dry my hair.

George was already back, sitting on the edge of my bed while looking down at his phone in his hand.

"How did it go?" I asked, walking towards my wardrobe. George looked up from his phone, sliding it into his pocket as his eyes landed on me.

"The guy Leo... he's the one who lives there." He told me. "The two others are his friends. His mother already knows that they spy at people and she's gonna tell him again to quit."

I nodded.

"Though we should probably start thinking about shutting the curtains whenever we feel like having sex."

I threw the towel over the door of the wardrobe before walking towards my dresser, but George wrapped an arm around my naked stomach and pulled me into his lap, earning a squeal from me.

"George you bastard!"

He chuckled as he brought his lips to my shoulder and kissed my skin softly.

He then let go of me again and let me move on to my dresser.

"I still have no idea what to wear." I told him and opened my drawer with my underwear in it.

"Right..." George breathed and laid back on the bed, placing his arms behind his head. "...that's the whole reason you called me."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now