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Warning!: suicide attempt


I looked down at my phone in shock, a hand clamped over my mouth.


I looked up at George.

"I called him pathetic."

"What's going on? What did he say?"

I slowly slid my phone into my pocket, rethinking everything that just happened.

"Where's my wand?" I asked quietly, patting my pockets before I felt the panic start to rise. "George, I need your wand! I need to go! He's going to— he's actually going to do it..."

"Woah, hey... Dia." George grabbed my face in his hands, making me look at him. "Take a deep breath and tell me what he said."

"There's not fucking time for taking deep breaths!" I exclaimed. "I need your wand. I need to go stop him. He can't do this to the girls. He can't—"

George let go of me and pulled out his wand, handing it to me.

"I'll come with you... I'll give Lee a call and ask him to come here and watch—"

"No." I shook my head, feeling myself tear up. "It'll be too late by then."

He didn't get to say another word before I apparated, landing right outside of the home that Malcolm and I once shared with our girls.

I walked up to the door and kept ringing the bell but when that didn't work, I used a spell to open the door.

"Malcolm!" I shouted, marching inside. I walked towards the living room to check there, then decided to check the bedroom, so I hurried upstairs. "Malcolm! If you've killed yourself I will fucking bring you back to life just to kill you myself!"

I barged into the bedroom, taking a look around but realising it was empty. My eyes landed on the picture frame on his nightstand, the one of us when we were younger and only had Elsie.

Nothing in here looked unusual.

"Malcolm!" I screamed, continuing to go through the house until I went to the dining room, freezing at what I saw.

Malcolm sat at the dining table, a glass of something in his hand but he was very much alive.

His phone was placed in front of him as well as his wand.

He turned his head to look at me with those drunk eyes that I recognised immediately and as he ran his thumb over his bottom lip, he started laughing.

I ran my hand into my hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed, my cheeks completely soaked from tears. "I thought you were going to look yourself!"

Malcolm shrugged and lifted the glass to take a sip off it.

"I'm still debating it." He laughed, shaking his head. "You know— you are so easy."

He looked at me, mocking my expression.

"What? Did I break up some lovely family time with your new guy?"

"You are seriously so messed up!" I laughed. "Something has completely gone wrong up here—"

I tapped my temple and he tensed his jaw as he looked at me.

"You can't just call me up like that, say that you want to fuck me and then proceed to cry and apologise before saying goodbye, all just to get a reaction, huh?!"

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now