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The next morning, I woke up to the sun shining right into my face.

I was half-naked in George's bed, his side empty, but the window was open, allowing air inside and the door out to the small hallway was open.

It was quiet and it had to be at least around noon. George would be working downstairs because while he made sure I had a break, he didn't allow himself one too.

I had expected him to take a break as well, but seeing as he wasn't up here, he was probably working the shop.

Everything from last night came back to me.

How did we go from tucking our kids in, to having sex, to finding out that my sister who was supposed to have died fourteen years ago, suddenly finds herself in London, walking down the streets of Diagon Alley in the middle of the night.

I didn't even know what her and Henry were doing here.

Was I interested in knowing that?

Not really.

I was pissed.

Beyond pissed.

I felt betrayed by my own two siblings.

With a sigh, I got out of bed, getting dressed in something casual before making the bed and making my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I had a toothbrush here and so did the girls. We had stayed here a lot for the past month. Well, apart from that one week when George and I weren't together.

But now we had picked up where we left and we were nearing our five month anniversary. We had agreed to act like that week never happened.

As I walked back into the room, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, looking at the display to see a lot of missed calls from an unknown number.


I deleted the call history and slid my phone into my pocket before finding my wand, then I made my way down to the shop to talk to George.

Luckily, he stood on the landing right above the floor, stocking shelves.

"Hey." I breathed, walking down to join him. He looked at me and offered a small smile.

"How'd you sleep?"

I shrugged.

"Dunno. Didn't sleep bad but I didn't sleep that well either."

"Yeah, figured." He nodded. "After last night... well, I'm glad you got to sleep in. I dropped the kids off at school and I hope it's okay that I dropped Leah off with my mum for school."

I nodded.

"About what I said— I meant it, you know." I said, causing George to look at me. "But I also agree that it should wait until I get settled at my new job and that doesn't start until September."

George smiled.

"Three and a half months."

"Exactly." I nodded. "By then we would have been together for nine months and it would make more sense to make such a big move, yeah?"

George didn't get to reply before my phone went off. We both looked at it and I sighed when I saw that unknown number again.

"I woke up to a while lot of missed calls." I said. "I think it's either Henry or Nadine but I don't know how they could've gotten my number."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek before gaining enough courage to answer the call, pressing my phone to my ear while staring at the floor.

"It's Dahlia." I breathed, looking at George as I bit down on the nail of my thumb, but George grabbed my hand to prevent me from it.

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