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There are 2 chapters left after this one... ;(

Though if you want a sequel, I'm up for writing that.


A few days passed and it was time for Fred and Roxi to meet their uncle.

My girls were being watched by Dove and Inez, and George had sat his kids down at the kitchen table to explain the situation.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter, exchanging a glance with George.

He was nervous.

"Roxi, darling. Can you stop drawing in your books for a moment?"

"Why?" She asked and looked up at George. "I'm going into year two next week so I won't need them."

"I have to talk to you about something though. You can go back to drawing in a moment, I promise you."

Roxanne sighed loudly, rolling her eyes full of attitude as she closed the book and pushed her stuff away from her. She then folded her arms in front of her and looked up at George with her eyebrows raised.

"Alright." George laughed. "Drop that attitude young lady."

George pulled out a chair from under the table and spun it around before straddling it, folding his arms over the back of it.

"You know I've told you about your uncle Fred who died during the war?"

"Freddie is named after him!" Roxanne smiled, swinging her legs under the table.

"That's right." George chuckled. "Well... it turns out that a mistake has happened."

"A mistake?" Freddie asked.

"He's alive." George told them. "Dia and I found out only a few days ago, but he's been living in Scotland all of this time which no one knew. He's married which means you've got another aunt and a cousin as well."

"Another cousin?!" Roxanne gasped. "Is it a boy or a girl."

George smiled.

"It's a little girl. Her name is Georgia."

"Georgia! That's almost like your name, daddy!" She continued to talk with her voice full of excitement.

"How am I supposed to remember all those names when people keep having babies?" Freddie asked.

"Wait... how are babies made?" Roxi asked and I saw George's eyes widen.

He looked back at me and I pressed my lips together to not laugh as I jumped off the counter and approached the couple.

"I'm sure Dia would love to explain that."


Fred and Roxanne both looked at me, waiting for me to tell them all about babies.

Oh boy.

"Well—" I breathed before I pulled out a chair. "...where do you think babies come from?"

At that question, Fred got up and made a face as he walked to his bedroom, but Roxanne seemed excited about the conversation.

"They come from their mummy's tummy and when she throws up, she has a new baby."

I chuckled.

"That would be easy." I smiled.

I've had this conversation with Elsie a few years ago. When she first asked me, I panicked and ended up talking to some pediatrician online to get help as to how to tell her, so now I know how to tell a six-year-old.

I can tell the truth.

"You see, Roxi... inside of a woman, there is something called an uterus. That's where babies grow."

"But how do the baby get in there?"

George ran a hand over his mouth, not having expected his daughter to ask these questions at the age of six.

"Uh— men have something called sperm, and women have small eggs. You need one sperm and one egg to make a baby. Then forty weeks later, the baby comes out through the lady parts that we know as a vagina."

Roxanne just looked at me for a moment.

"Is that how I was born?"

I nodded.

"Jimmy from school said that it's your mum who gives birth to you." Roxanne said as she got off her chair. "But I don't think that's true, because you didn't give birth to me."

My eyes widened as she walked into her and Fred's bedroom, and then I looked at George who was chuckling to himself.

"Did she just..."

"Insinuate you being her mother?" He asked and looked at me with a smile. "I think so."

He stood up and my eyes only went wider as I followed him with my eyes while he walked over to get something to drink.

"How are you being so calm right now?" I asked, causing him to look back at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Your daughter basically just called me mum and you're casually walking over to drink... apple juice of all sorts? Orange juice is much better."

"We are not having that discussion again, Dia." He laughed softly. "I know she sees you as her mum. When we were broken up, she asked about you whenever she wasn't ignoring me. She called you mum all the time."


I was cut off as the door down to the shop opened, Fred walking in.

George's brother, not son.

He was going to meet Freddie and Roxi.

"Oi, Fred... need some apple juice?" George asked, holding up a glass.

"I think I'll pass." Fred closed the door behind him and George then held out a glass towards me but as I could smell it, I suddenly felt nauseous.

"Oh god..." I clamped a hand over my mouth as I stood up. "...I need some air. Excuse me."

I walked out through the back door, closing it behind me before leaning against the railing, letting out a deep breath.

Well I definitely don't like apple juice.

After a while of recovering over the nausea, I went back inside to see Fred bond with Roxi and mini Freddie.

He had Roxi on his hip and she was going on and on about a dream she once had about meeting him.

Meanwhile, mini Fred was watching him from a distance, a terrified look on his face.

"Are zombies real?" He asked George, who laughed and wrapped his arm around the neck of his son.

George noticed me and nodded for me to walk over to him, which I did. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. I looked at him and smiled as I nodded.

I pressed a kiss to his lips before he pressed another one to my forehead.

"I just got nauseous." I told him. "I've already told you I don't like apple juice."

"You're so weird." He joked. "Apple juice is the best."

"No it's not." I scoffed. "Orange juice is much better."

"I agree with Dia." Freddie commented, causing me to smile in satisfaction, holding up my hand for Fred to high-five me, which he did.

Though George gasped, looking down at his son.


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