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During the meal with people from George's year, the room was full of chatter and laughter.

George's hand stayed on my thigh the whole time. I sat between him and a guy named Adrian Pucey who happened to be a Slytherin student from George's year.

They didn't get along well when they were at school but now that they're grownups, they're more civil.

He seems nice.

Only two Slytherins decided to show up. Him and Cassius Warrington. Both brought their wives as well.

Angelina sat across from George, looking at him constantly and I think that's why he kept his hand on my thigh. It was a way for him to feel more comfortable.

After dinner, George took my hand and led my out through a door and into an indoor garden with a see-through ceiling so that you could look at the stars.

"We always rent this place when we decide to meet up all of us." He told me.

"How often do you meet up?"

George shrugged.

"Every five years." He told me. "Your year don't do that?"

I shook my head.

"Even if they did, I don't think I would show up." I said. "The only friends I had was Inez and Dove. I didn't get along with anyone else."

George hummed and snuck an arm around my waist before pressing a kiss to my temple.

"I'll get us some drinks."

"Yeah? Maybe quit on the alcohol tonight, love." I chuckled. "You've already had four glasses of whisky."

He simply grinned as he went inside, and I walked over to the bench that stood against the wall, taking a seat on it.

I smoothed out the material of my dress, exhaling deeply as I stared up at the stars.

I had had a lot of conversation with different people today.

Alicia and I talked about kids.

Lee and I talked about Hogwarts. He talked about his time there and I talked about mine.

I talked to Adrian Pucey about quidditch. He played Chaser for the Slytherin team in his days at Hogwarts.

I never played Quidditch but I was interested in the game. I liked to watch it and talking about it wasn't boring either.

I had a few chats with Kenneth as well. He filled me in on all of the embarrassing stories of George from late nights in their dorm.

Roger Davies was another one from their year at Hogwarts. He was sorted into Ravenclaw and I talked to him as well. He was a Quidditch captain and played as seeker.

There was also a time before dinner where I spoke to both Adrian Pucey and Cassius Warrington at the same time.

They seemed interested to speak to me because I had been in Slytherin in school, and they found it hilarious that George ended up dating a girl from his rival house.

"Can I sit here?"

I turned my head to look at Angelina who had entered the garden, looking at me.

Even though I didn't want to talk to her, I nodded slightly before she sat down next to me.

"Do you have kids?"

"I do."

She licked her lips as she looked up at the sky as well for a moment before looking at me.

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