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George looked absolutely beautiful under the morning light shining through the living room window.

He had stayed the night.

His own children were spending the weekend with their grandparents which they liked to do from time to time, so George stayed and we ended up both falling asleep on the sofa, covered in a blanket after we had watched a film together.

Leah didn't wake up this night, which I was actually really grateful for. I was happy she had had a good night for once.

George was still asleep as I woke up. I studied his face with a smile on my face, bringing my fingers up to brush some hair out of his face.

So beautiful.

His lips were parted, his head turned towards me in a position as if he had watched me fall asleep.

All I know is that I fell asleep first and that I woke up in his arms.

I nuzzled my head into his neck, taking in his scent before I pressed a kiss to his skin.

He stirred, causing me to pull my head back a few inches to look at him.

A small whimper left his mouth and went straight to my heart as he moved his head closer to mine, turning his body a bit.

"Stop staring at me." He whined, causing me to chuckle.

"Good morning." I said and brushed my fingers through his hair which caused him to him.

"Don't stop doing that."

I continued brushing them through his hair, scratching his scalp at the same time.

"Oh god." He yawned. "I feel like a dog getting its belly scratched."

I couldn't help but laugh. George opened his eyes to look at me and the corner of his lips curled upwards into a smile while he watched my face closely.

"I enjoy waking up to you, you know." He said softly, running his hand down my body, scratching his nails along the skin of my leg. "Your presence is really comforting."

I chuckled.

"Is that so?"

He simply smiled and moved even closer to me, shifting us so that I was under him, his head nuzzled into my chest while our legs tangled up under the blanket.

I love you too.

"Don't get too comfortable." I chuckled, continuing to play with his hair while my other hand ran up and down his bare back, scratching his skin. "We have to get up soon."

"Why?" He whispered. "It's Saturday and your children always sleep late. You told me that yourself."

"I'm a morning person, Georgie."

"So?" He whispered. "Stay here with me. I love your cuddles."

I couldn't say no to him.

"Alright." I said. "But we have to get up before noon, because I actually have to go looking for a bigger flat."

George lifted his head to look at me.

"Because of your work with getting me a raise, it helped with what I needed to be able to afford a deposit." I said. "And with the raise, I'll be able to afford rent every month for a flat that has two bedrooms."

"Oh shit—" a grin spread across his face. "... that'll be nice, yeah? For you to have your own room."

I nodded.

"I can't wait." I breathed. "But you also know what that means... we get to have privacy at my place."

George grinned before moving up to press a kiss to my lips.

"How do you manage to look so beautiful in the morning?"

"How do you manage to turn me on with everything you do and say?"

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me again before getting settled against my body, head nuzzled into my boobs.

"I've got a secret talent." He said. "I can turn women on with the snap of my fingers."

I ran my fingers through his hair while I looked down at him.

"I don't doubt you."

He lifted his head to look at me again, and I ran my hand to his jaw, brushing my thumb over his cheek.

"You're pretty."

A smile spread on George's lips before he bit his lips, watching mine.

"Don't say that."

"Why not?"

"Because you have no idea what you do to me when you do."


George leaned down to press a kiss to my neck, at the same time rocking his hips against mine. A small whimper left my mouth as I ran a hand to the nape of his neck.


He hummed against my neck, running his hand down to the back of my thigh, squeezing it.

He lifted my thigh over his hip, rocking his hips against mine again but this time I could feel him semi-hard against my knickers.

Though, then a door creaked and George quickly stopped, getting off of me to sit on the sofa while I sat up.

"Mummy?" Elsie's voice spoke before she showed up in the living room.

"Hi darling."

"Good morning, Elsie." George smiled at her while she walked over.

"Good morning, Georgie." She replied as she crawled up to sit between us.

She had started to take a liking to George. She saw him more and more. He was here last night when she went to bed and now he was here when she woke up.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked her, nudging her with his shoulder.

"I had a dream about a giraffe." She said. "She could talk."

"Oh really? Did she have a name?"

Elsie shook her head.

"I don't think so."

I couldn't help but smile at their interaction. I had only met two different guys after Malcolm and before George.

The first one got scared the second I mentioned kids, so he ran off, and the second met them but he didn't even care to interact with them so I dumped him.

"Mummy, I'm hungry." Elsie said and looked at me.

"Alright." I brushed a hand over her hair. "I'll make us some breakfast."

I smiled at George who repaid it before I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

I never actually thought I'd meet someone like George. Someone who treated me with the respect I deserved, who cared about me... someone who cared about my children from the start before even meeting them.

While making breakfast, I looked into the living room to see George talk to Elsie while Elsie laughed about something.

Then she showed him the pandas on her pyjamas, pointing them out before looking up at him and explaining something.

Leah was starting to get used to having him around as well, but she was a bit more hesitant. She wasn't comfortable around men, and before I didn't know why, but now I did.

Though, George respected it and let her take her time to get to know him. He knew that eventually, she's sense that he wouldn't hurt her, and she'd start to grow more comfortable around him.

Our relationship was headed in a serious direction. He told me he loved me but I couldn't say it back.

I did love him.

I just didn't know how to tell him.

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