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I spent the upcoming Friday at my office, waiting for Bill to drop by with even more paperwork than I already had.

Inez was also going to drop by and George had already been here.

Leah was with my mum, getting homeschooled and Elsie was at school. George had actually picked her up this morning as he was already driving his kids.

Right now, I was exhausted. I hadn't closed an eye all night due to Leah's night terrors. It was absolutely awed up seeing her like that, in pain mentally. She was only two years old. She's be three in October.

I kept almost falling asleep in my chair, until there was a knock at my door that made me jump. When it opened, I immediately sat up straight as I saw my boss.

"Bill... hi." I breathed. "I was just—"

"Falling asleep, it looks like." He let out a small laugh as he entered, closing the door behind him.

He was carrying a pile of papers which he placed on my desk before taking a seat across from me.

"I've noticed my little brother stopping by every singe day for the past three months." He said, causing me to look at him with my eyes wide.

That was one way to start a conversation.

"I didn't say anything at first but now I've been invited home for his birthday in two days." he added. "I didn't know you two were dating, or that you were that serious. George can be very secretive about his private life... but then it was mentioned that he was bringing home his new girlfriend who goes by the name of Dahlia, and I slowly put two and two together."

"Uh— Bill... I'm uh— sorry?"

"No, don't be." He chuckled. "I was surprised but..."

He shrugged.

"How'd you two meet?"

I ran a hand to the nape of my neck, scratching my skin while trying to come up with an alright answer.

"Well, it was... I mean we met at a bar." I said. "Then we— I—"

Bill raised his eyebrows as he realised I was struggling.

How was I supposed to tell him that I got drunk at a bar where I met his brother and then ended up in his bed.

"We met at a bar and we... got to know each other." I tried again, deciding that that was was the story I was gonna go with.

"And now you're getting introduced to the family."


"So it's getting serious." Bill stood up. "Well, welcome to the family, Dahlia. I need this paperwork on my desk by Friday next week."

I looked at the pile of papers, nodding slowly.

"Yessir." I said before I let out a yawn, clamping a hand over my mouth.

"Let's say next Monday." He corrected himself. "Go home Dahlia... get some sleep. Use today and Saturday to relax before meeting parents on Sunday."

He tapped his fingers against my desk before walking to the door, looking back at me.

"I'll be back to check on you in ten minutes. If you're still here, I'm firing you until you've had enough rest."

I simply nodded before he left my office and closed the door behind him, then I let out a sigh.

I packed my things together and as I left, walking through the building of Gringotts, I texted Inez, telling her that Bill told me to go rest, so I was going to stop by her and Dove's house.

Though as I walked, my heels echoing through the room, my shoulder suddenly bumped into someone else's, causing me to gaps quietly, turning to look at the person.

"Shit, sorry." I smiled warmly at the guy who simply looked at me with an odd expression. "My fault... didn't watch where I was going. Have a nice day."

I continued through the building, pushing my phone into my back pocket as I walked through the doors.

I decided to just swing by George's shop seeing as I was already in Diagon Alley.

I made my way down the streets of Diagon Alley, feeling myself grow even more tired due to all the people around me and the noise as well as the sun shining bright.

When I got to the shop, I pushed the door open, hearing the bell above the door ring. My eyes located George as he was carrying a box under his arm while fumbling with some keys to the stockroom door.

I hurried by his side.

"Let me help you with that." I said, causing him to notice me. A smile spread on his face as he let me take the keys and lock the door. "Do you lock it every time you leave the room?"

"I do. I promised Fred— my brother Fred, to do so back when he was here and I always forgot." He said. "He may be gone but I don't want to break that promise."

"Okay." I smiled. "I was simply curious."

George watched my face as he pushed his keys into his pocket.

"Listen... aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked. "You don't get off until five."

"Yes, but your brother—" I started but was interrupted as I suddenly felt light headed, having to lean against the wall.

"Woah—" George put down the box to support my weight in case anything happened. " alright?"

I nodded, offering a small smile.

"I just got a little dizzy, is all." I said. "But uh... Bill saw me being all tired and stuff so he sent me home."

George chuckled.

"And you came here?"

"I wanted to see you." I smiled. "And I—"

Oh god.

I had to close my eyes as the feeling returned. I leaned back against the wall, feeling George's hand wrap around my arm gently to keep me on my feet.

"Have you had anything to eat today?"


I didn't eat breakfast but I told George I had because I was starting to feel bad that he took time out of his morning to make me breakfast and bring it to me.

I stayed quiet.

"Dia for fuck sake." He cursed quietly and I felt his hand against my jaw, stroking his thumb over my cheekbone. "You told me you had eaten. When's the last time you ate something?"

I opened my eyes to look at him.

"I had a few potatoes for dinner."

"You know, that's not quite enough to get you running the next day." He told me. "You need breakfast and you need lunch just as much as you need dinner... and a few potatoes doesn't count?"

I grinned as I grabbed onto his collar and pulled him close to me. He almost tripped over the box but pressed a hand to the wall to support himself.

"Do your cock count?"

George snorted at my question, shaking his head at how ridiculous I was.

"How about I take you out for lunch?" He asked. "I'll get Ron to run it for a few hours—"

"I would love that." I said. "But I've already told Inez I'll be there in ten minutes."

George raised his eyebrows at me.

"Weren't you supposed to go home?"

"Yes." I nodded. "But I don't really like sitting at home all alone. I've never really been all alone before so..."

He nodded slowly before he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'll text Inez and make sure she watches you eat something so you don't pass out from starvation."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now