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George had left a dozen of hickeys on my skin as we had a quickie in the kitchen.

Now I was looking at myself in the mirror, George behind me, smiling proudly at his work.

"Are you turning thirty-four or are you turning sixteen?" I asked, running my fingers over the hickeys.

"Oi!" He exclaimed and I shrieked as he slapped me in the arse. "Don't tease me..."

I rolled my eyes but leaned into his touch as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Happy birthday." I smiled softly, tilting my head back against his chest. I pressed a kiss to under his chin, making him giggle as he moved away, soothing the area.

"That tickled."

I looked at him as he smiled widely, taking a seat on the toilet seat.

"You do realise we have to leave, right?" I asked. "I can't show up looking like this. Even if I put on the bruising paste, it'll take an hour for it to disappear."

George pulled out his wand while he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to stand between his thighs.

He ran his wand along my neck, then nodded towards the mirror.

I frowned at him but walked over to look at myself. All the bruises along my neck were gone, causing me to immediately look at George.


He hummed.

"I didn't think of that."

"So... you've decided to wear the dress." George smiled. "Good. It suits you."

He stood up and placed a hand on my waist, turning me towards her. He kissed me, then grinned while walking out of the bathroom.

"You coming?!" He called from the hallway. I hurried up, rushing out of the bathroom and over to where he was sliding into his shoes.

"Alright, so your parents will be there and your siblings too, right?"

George smiled as I put on my shoes.

"Nervous?" He nodded while he grabbed my jacket and threw it over my shoulders, waiting for me to slide my arms in before he let go of the material.

"Nervous? I am basically pissing my pants right now, George."

He eyed me up and down before biting his lip to hold back a chuckle.

"You aren't wearing any pants."

"Oh fuck off!" I shoved him in the shoulder, causing him to laugh.

He made sure the door was locked before he grabbed around my waist and pressed a kiss to my forehead just as he apparated the two of us.

I remember back when I first got my licence and how weird it felt to apparate. Like your body was being pulled in hundred directions all at once before you feel gravity pull you towards your destination.

George and I landed in the middle of nowhere and I looked around before looking up at him.

"Thought we could walk there." He said and reached his hand down to grab mine. "That way we can talk before we arrive... maybe I can ease your mind a little."

I smiled, intertwining my fingers with his as he started leading me in a certain direction. We were standing in the middle of nowhere, hills surrounding us.

"What are you the most nervous about?"

"Your family were all in Gryffindor, right?"

A small smile spread on his face as he realised my biggest worry.

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now