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I have something to tell you because I couldn't stop laughing when it happened.

Alright, so a few years ago (2018), I was diagnosed with a mixed anxiety and depressive disorder but they told me that I did not fill the criteria for depression (which I did)

Today, I was officially diagnosed with depression and I'll be starting treatments soon.

Anyway, I told my mother and she called me up and that first thing she said was "I wonder why you've got depression"


This is the same woman to cut me in my finger when I was 6 and I still have the scar. The same woman who'd grab onto my hair and force my head down against the counter. The same woman who threatened to send me away or tell me that children should just die. The same woman who dated a psychopath who made my life a living hell.

Anyway, I tried so hard to not laugh when my mum acted like she had no idea why I've got depression.

Though I didn't want to argue so I simply told her; "yeah, I wonder why"

Enjoy the chapter!

"She just showed up?"

I nodded at Inez as she poured me a glass of wine, then handed it to me. I took a sip before letting out a sigh.

"I'm not gonna call her." I assured her. I had told her the entire story of my mum showing up this morning. "George is right. You are right. I don't need her."

Inez smiled a smile that I immediately recognised. It was her happy smile, showing me that she was thrilled about what I was saying.

"But I can't get myself to text her and tell her to stay out of my life."

I looked down at my glass of wine and as Inez went to sit, she instead grabbed my phone off of the table, making my head snap up at the action.

"Inez, what are you—"

She held up a hand to shut me up and I saw her type something, then a moment later, she put my phone on the table.

"There." She said. "You've now told your crazy bitch of a mother to stay the hell away from you and your girls. Oh... and you've deleted and blocked her number. She can't contact you anymore."

"Inez, what—"

"You can thank me later." She said and sat down.

I stared at her, having no idea what to say, but then Dove's voice caught my attention.

"Jack!" She shouted through the house before laughing. "Look at this mess!"

Inez stood up to see what was happening, and I followed behind. The rest of the kids were in the living room with Dove and as we entered, Jack stood in a puddle of paint, covered in it while wearing a pink ballerina skirt.

I grinned as I leaned against the doorframe, folding my arms over my chest.

"Oh honey." Dove chuckled as she crouched down in front of Jack.

Leah crawled off the sofa and walked over and my smile dropped as she crouched down and dipped her hands in the paint.

"Nope." I said quickly, pushing myself away from the doorframe. I wrapped my arms around Leah and lifted her up, causing her to break into a series of giggles.

I put her back down away from the puddle and grabbed her wrists gently so I could walk her out into the kitchen to wash her hands.

"Welcome to parenthood." I told Dove and Inez, chuckling to myself while walking Leah into the kitchen.

"Up we go." I breathed and lifted her up to sit her next to the sink.

I turned on the water, then looked at Leah and held out my hand.

She automatically placed both hands in mine and as I washed her hands, she put her focus on the colours washing down the drain.

"Parenthood is tonight." Dove's voice spoke as she entered the kitchen, and I glanced at her.

"I could've told you that."

"But then again, I already love them so much." She said. "They're incredible."

"Especially when they dip their entire hands in paint." I said sarcastically and looked at Leah who giggled.

"I'm sorry mama."

Dove leaned back against the counter.

"You've basically got four."

I looked at her and cocked an eyebrow before shaking my head with a chuckle.

"I've got two."

"Yeah... well George kids must like you." She said. "I bet it won't take long until they start calling you mum. Especially the little one."

"Roxi?" I asked. "I wouldn't want to replace the idea of Angelina. Roxi doesn't remember her being in their lives, but Freddie does and he misses her. I'm not their mother, Dove. I'm their father's girlfriend."

"Their stepmother." She nodded. "Though, not the evil stepmother. You're like... a guardian angel."

I snorted at her comment and turned off the water, pulling my wand out of my pocket. I held Leah's hands in mine as I used the drying spell.

Leah giggled at the feeling and I smiled as I lifted her back down.

"Promise me to stay out of the paint." I told her and ran a hand over her hair.

"Okay mama."

She hugged my legs before she ran into the living room, and I turned towards Dove.

"Though, his children are absolutely wonderful." I smiled weakly before my eyes landed on my phone on the kitchen island.

I grabbed it and unlocked it, wanting to see what Inez had texted my mother, but she had deleted the conversation before blocking and deleting the number.

"My mother—" I let out a sigh and looked at Dove. "...I'm pretty sure she's used the basement as a punishment for Leah."

Dove's eyes widened slightly and she pushed herself away from the counter.

"You're joking..."

"I'm never bringing the girls near her again."

"You're not bringing yourself near her either." Dove stated, and when I didn't answer, she sighed. "You're not going near her, Dahlia."

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose before looking at the floor.

"Listen... you're going into self distraction which is normal considered what you went through as a child. You feel yourself be happy for once and it's such an unfamiliar and scary feeling that you approach your mother because you know she's going to make you feel like crap." Dove made me look at her. "You need therapy. You need a good arse therapist to help you work through all of that trauma. You need help to allow yourself to feel happy."

I pressed my lips together. Today had been full of people telling me what to do, and I hated it because they were all right.

George was right.

Inez was right.

Dove was right.

"I can't afford a—"

"Done." She cut me off. "Consider it taken care of. I'll find you an amazing therapist and you don't have to worry about the money. All you need to worry about is getting yourself to the sessions and to be honest with the therapist so that they can help you."

With a groan, I grabbed the edges of the corner and tilted my head back, tapping my fingers against the underside of the marble surface.

"If you won't do it for yourself, do it for Elsie and Leah." Dove said, causing me to look at her again. "Children automatically grow up to be happy if they watch their parent be happy. If they see you as miserable, they'll be miserable. Do it for them."

I looked towards the living room, sighing.


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