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I just had another fight with my mother.

She told me that I'm the one who's manipulating her. She reminded me of the time when I was younger when I'd steal.

I know I used to steal. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm not doing that anymore.

Then she told me I'm just as bad as my dad so I'm just gonna go unalive myself.

Enjoy the chapter.


Fred's wife was a muggle. A woman named Eloise Wilson.

Wilson wasn't her maiden name, but Fred had changed his legal name to Frederick Wilson so that he couldn't be found.

He showed me inside of their house, introduced me to his wife, introducing me as his sister-in-law which was technically wrong seeing as George and I weren't married, but he seemed proud to be able to say that.

He also introduced me to his three weeks old daughter Georgia.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the fact that he had a daughter called Georgia while George had a son called Fred.

They had thought each other were dead, all because my sister who was also supposed to be dead had made up a whole lot of lies.

"It's beautiful here." I said as Fred showed me the garden after having made us both tea.

"It really is." He nodded. "I traveled a lot after I left Nadine. It was when I left that she told me that George had taken his own life after thinking I was dead. She's the one who faked my death so if George had died, that would have been on her. I instantly fell out of love with her. I fell nothing but hatred and I couldn't stand being near her, so I left. I didn't know my destination so I didn't apparate. I traveled like muggles would do and I ended up here where I met Eloise when I booked a room at the Kings Army Hotel which is here on the island."

He looked back towards the house before looking at me.

"She helped me through the grief." He said. "She knows about the whole wizarding thing, by the way. We're married and we have a daughter together so it was only fair that she knew that our child would be a wizard or a witch."

"How'd she take it?"

Fred chuckled.

"She straight up fainted." He said. "For muggles, witches are those who were burnt on a fire back in the fifteenth century while wizards were... well, they have a lot of stories about it. I don't think she ever figured that it was all real, but that being a wizard or a witch doesn't automatically make you evil."

I lifted the cup to my lips, taking a sip of the tea.

"I am so glad that motherfucker didn't commit suicide." He chuckled before he looked at me. "Hey, who's the mother of his children?"

"Angelina Johnson."

"Angie?!" He exclaimed. "No shit."

"Yeah." I breathed. "I heard she's not the same person as when you went to school."

"No? How so?"

"She left George, she left Freddie and she left Roxi in the middle of the night when Roxi was around a year old. Two weeks later, she owled George divorce papers and two years later, she showed up, trying to get back into their lives, but George made her give up her parental rights so that she shouldn't come and leave like she wanted to."

"Angelina turned out to be a bitch?" He asked. "Damn... and I went to the Yule Ball with her."

My eyes widened and I turned to him.

"You went to the Yule Ball with her, and then George ended up marrying her?"

"You talk to him about that. I had no idea he married Angelina. I didn't know he was alive."

I took another sip of my tea.

"Do you want to come back with me to see him?" I asked, and Fred quick I looked at me.

"Hell yeah. I'm gonna hug that bastard until he actually dies."

I snorted.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Fred asked and nudged me with his shoulder as if he already knew me. "I know what happened in your home when you and Nadine were children. Are you still seeing your mum?"

"Unfortunately." I nodded. "I tried cutting her out of my life but it didn't quite work. I'm gonna do it again, though. This time for good."

"Might be a good idea. I've met that woman and she is not pleasant."

When we finished our tea, we walked inside and talked to his wife for a bit who agreed that Fred should definitely go with me to London to see George.

He kissed his wife goodbye, then his daughter before we left, apparating together.

We landed in Diagon Alley, and Fred immediately took a step back to look up at the shop, smiling widely.

"This is wicked." He said. "I haven't been here for so long... look away before I start crying."

He did tear up, having to turn around to wipe his eyes.

"You know, I normally don't cry."

"I don't care if you do." I chuckled. "You're home for the first time in fourteen years and you are moment away from seeing your twin again. You lived by each other's side for twenty years before you both thought the other one has died. I think that very emotion you are showing right now, is understood."

I walked up to the door to the shop and dug into my pocket for my wand, using a charm to unlock the door.

Fred followed me inside and as I closed the door and used a charm to lock it again, he looked around, once again crying from how emotional this made him.

"Everything looks the same." He said before he headed down towards the offices to enter the one that used to belong to him, and at the same time, the door to the flat opened.

"Dia?!" George called. "Is that you?"

I walked over to the end of the stairs as he turned a corner and looked down at me before hurrying down.

"I must've fallen asleep but I woke up and I started trying to figure out where Fred would be living." He said, his voice slightly panicked. "We can find him. We need to go get Bill, then contact Charlie... oh and Harry. He's a great auror."


At the sound of Fred, George straightened up, his eyes widening.

Fred had heard George and had appeared from his office, walking back towards the front of the store.

George turned around and the two of them stared at each other for a moment before they met in a tight hug.

They gripped onto each other, both crying silently as they just hugged and held each other for the first time in fourteen years.

I decided to make my way upstairs to give them some time alone.

I walked into the flat, made my way to the bedroom to tidy up a bit, closing the window which had been open all day.

The kids all got off school in about two hours so I was thinking that I'd pick them up and take them out for ice cream or something to let George have some time to catch up with Fred.

I wish it had been like this with Nadine. I wish she hadn't turned out to be exactly like our parents. I wish I had a sister I could hug right now instead of being so angry about what she's done.

She wasn't like this when I knew her. She was the most amazing person who cared about the people around her.

Or maybe that was just my kid brain telling myself that.

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