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I leaned back against the counter, my arms folded over my chest.

I had just picked up my kids from my parents place after I helped Dahlia report her abusive husband.

The Ministry said they'd look into it, possibly do an arrest and interrogate him.

"Daddy, are you mad?" Roxanne asked as she dragged herself into a chair by the table.

"No, I'm not mad, darling." I told her before I looked at Fred who tried to sneak into his room. "I told you I needed to talk to the both of you. Sit down next to your sister."

"Why?" Fred asked, that same attitude to his voice as he looked at me. "It's not my fault we got suspended."

"And I'm not blaming you." I said, nodding towards the table for him to sit down, which he then surprisingly did. "I'm not blaming either one of you. I just want to talk to you for a minute."

As my kids sat there next to each other, Roxanne humming a melody and Fred staring at the table, I sighed.

"What happened today—" I walked over and pulled out a chair to sit across from them. "...was not okay."

"It was their fault!" Fred raised his voice but I snapped my fingers to let him know that it wasn't his turn to talk.

That's something I had done since forever, to let them know it's not okay to interrupt me.

"On their part." I added. "It was not okay for those kids to treat you like that and you did right by defending yourselves."

Neither one of them said anything. I could tell that Fred was the most upset about all the remarks. He looked like me in that way. His soft heart, the way he's sensitive.

Roxanne is more like her mother. She's a tough little one.

"Unfortunately racism is a thing and I hate that it's something you need to be aware of at your ages. That's why you need to keep defending yourselves when people decide to comment on your skin colour." I said. "You're both beautiful on the inside and out, no matter what anyone says. Do you hear me?"

"You're beautiful too, daddy." Roxanne smiled and slid off her chair before walking around the table to hug me.

I chuckled as I pulled her up on my lap and planted a kiss on her head.

"Do you think people say these things to mum?" Fred asked, continuing to look down at the table.

I sighed.

"I know they did in school." I said. "Pansy Parkinson told your mother that her hair looked like worms

Fred hummed and pressed his lips together.

"Some people are just cruel." I said. "It's disgusting behaviour but keep your head up, yeah? Throughout your life, you will get some remarks but you'll also discover that most people don't care about the colour of your skin."

Instead of answering, Fred got up and walked into his room with his back, slamming the door shut behind him.

"He's scared that if you get a new girlfriend, that you'll want her to be our new mummy." Roxanne told me. "He doesn't want you to replace her."

I sighed.

"He does think that, doesn't he?" I asked. "I'm gonna have to have another chat with him when he's cooled down."

"Can I ask you a question?" Roxanne asked me, wrapping her arm over my shoulder.

"Of course, my love." I smiled.

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now