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I had never actually imagined that the day would come when Henry would return.

I had been alone since I was twelve. I had Nadine but then she died so I was alone. I had no idea where my older brother was and I could barely even remember him.

But now he was back.

And he completely exposed our dad and Malcolm's dad. I married him because I was in love. Had he just been in on it this while time? Married me to make some kids so that our surnames would continue?

No... definitely not. I'm not giving my dad the satisfaction. I'm changing my last name and then I'm changing my girls name as well.

Right now, their surnames are Willows-Baddock and they can keep Baddock because I'm sure Malcolm wants them to still keep his name. I'm just changing my part of it.

After work, I apparated home and as soon as I did, I called George.

A few seconds passed but then he picked up.

"Hi beautiful." He said, and a smile spread on my face. "One second. I'll just lock myself in my office real quick."

"Okay." I said quietly, sitting down on my sofa. I sat back against the armrest and pulled my feet up in front of me, tapping my fingers against my knee.

I heard a door close and then I heard George sigh.

"Alright... what's up?"

"I—" I chuckled through a heavy breath. "...I feel like I should explain the whole situation with my brother."

"Yeah, what's up with that? You never told me you had a brother."

He wasn't upset. I could tell it in his voice. I could tell he was smiling.

"But you know you don't have to explain anything. You don't owe me anything, Dia."

"I know." I sighed. "But I want to. I never talk about it so... anyway, Malcolm is picking up the girls today, taking them to the cinema..."

"Yeah?" He asked, a certain cheeky tone to his voice, before a loud sound came from my bedroom, and then George stepped out.

He hung up the phone, his eyes locking with mine. A chuckle left my mouth as I got up on my knees, holding my hands out towards him.

A smile spread on his face as he walked over and while I ran my hands to his neck, he placed his on the back of the sofa while I pulled him down to kiss me.

"Alright, sit your arse down." I said and sat back down while putting my phone on the sofa table.

My eyes were glued to George as he walked around the sofa to sit down.

"Did you change your clothes?" I asked with a frown as I saw he wasn't wearing the same as earlier this morning.

"Ron spilled tea on me when I got back after your mysterious brother showed up at your office."

I moved closer to George, placing a hand on his thigh.

"You had no idea who he was, right?"

I shook my head.

"I uh— my parents had four kids." I said. "I've already told you about Sam who died before I was born and you knew Nadine before she died, but they also had Henry. He's the oldest."

George nodded, his eyes staying on me while he placed his hand on top of mine that was still resting on his thigh.

"I grew up in an abusive household. You already know that my parents were death eaters, but they were also abusive. Mostly my dad."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now