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I locked the door behind me.

Another successful day of work. Paperwork like always, George stopping by in the morning with breakfast, then more paperwork.

After work, I apparated to my childhood home to pick up Leah and shortly after I knocked on the door, my mum opened.

"Dahlia." She smiled. "Come in."

"Oh, uh... I actually have to pick up Elsie from school." I said. "I don't have time to stay."

"Don't be silly." Mum stepped aside. "We both know Elsie's school ends in forty-five minutes. You have time."

Oh boy.

I gave a small nod as I stepped inside. I didn't have enough courage to say no. I didn't want to upset her.

"I'll make us some tea." Mum told me as she closed the door. "Then we'll have a chat. Leah is in the family room."

She disappeared into the kitchen and I took a deep breath as I looked around the foyer, all the memories coming back to me.

Why in the world did I let my mum home school Leah? I never wanted my kids to step a foot inside of this home.

As I walked towards the family room, I paused when I passed the door to the basement. The brown wooden door that also kept many memories.

The guy who pretended to be Henry, said that my dad had used the basement as a punishment for me, and he was right, but I don't remember that exact memory he told me about.

I remember a lot of memories regarding the basement though — memories going from when I was little until I was twelve when he finally was put in Azkaban.

Though even then, it continued. Mum continued using it as a punishment. Locking me down there, knowing I was terrified of the basement and the dark.

I continued into the family room and I started smiling when I saw Leah.

"Mama!" Leah shrieked as she saw me. She got off the floor and ran straight towards me.

"Hi baby!" I gasped and crouched down, pulling her into my embrace as she threw her arms around me.

Her small laughter filled the room as I stood up with her clinging onto my body.

I put her down again and crouched down, taking her face in my hand to look at what looked like paint on her cheek.

"What've you been doing?" I chuckled, licking my thumb before brushing it over the pain, wiping it off successfully.

"Granny and I painted." She explained before she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to look at the painting that laid on the table.

"Oh would you look at that." I smiled. "Did you paint this?"

I lifted her up to stand on the chair in front of me so that she could look at it as well.

"Granny painted the sun." She told me and pointed at the sun in the corner of the paper.

"And you painted the rest?"

Leah nodded as she stuck her index finger into her mouth.

"You're so talented!" I gushed, hugging her and pressing several kisses to her cheek which caused her to giggle. "My talented little girl."

The painting was of seven different people standing outside with the sun shining, a random in the sky and the grass bright green.

"Who's this?" I asked and pointed to the first person.

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now