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Guess what...

I'm currently dying my hair purple!


I noticed the way George completely tensed up as he saw the woman he was married to for those years.

I brought a hand up to rest against his arm but he just kept staring at her, his jaw gritted and his teeth clenched.

Distract him...

"Hey George?" I asked and looked at another picture frame of a quidditch team where he and his brother were as well. "How long did you play quidditch for?"

George looked at me, then at the picture frame I was looking at, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Six years." He told me. "Fred and I went to tryouts in our second year, got accepted on the team as beaters and we continued until we graduated... well, in our sixth year, Quidditch was cancelled because of the Triwizard Tournament and in our seventh year, Professor Umbridge banned Fred, Harry and I from playing for life."

I frowned.


"We got into a fight with Draco Malfoy as he insulted our mum and Harry's mum as well." He told me. They had also made this song up to humiliate Ron who was a keeper on the team. He had started that year and he needed some practice so basically, he couldn't block most of the quaffles that Slytherin threw." He inhaled sharply. "So we were banned for life because of that. That was when Fred and I had enough and we started planning a way to drop out of school and leave with a bang."

He chuckled at the memory, then looked down at me to see me smiling up at him.

"Wait..." he said. "...did you just..."

"Distract you to calm you down?" I asked. "Yep. Did it work?"

He simply grinned widely at me as he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"You're actually brilliant."

"Actually?" I laughed. "Ouch. Of course I'm brilliant."

He smiled and laced his fingers with mine as Lee joined us.

"Oh shit—" he paused and looked me up and down, then he pulled me in for a hug. " look beautiful!"

Then he turned to George before I got to answer.

"George— about Angie—"

"I believe I recall you telling me she wasn't coming." George cut him off.

"See... yes. But she did tell me she wasn't going to be there and then last night, she called me and said she had changed her mind because she needed and wanted to see you."

"See me?" George scoffed.

"And I obviously told her that you've moved on from her. You're in a committed relationship and trying to get back into your life would be messing with you, Fred and Roxi."

George sighed and looked in the direction of Angelina while he ran a hand over his mouth.

"Thanks Lee... I'll be getting a drink." George led me towards the table with all the alcohol. He looked at me as he grabbed a glass and then the bottle of whisky. "Do you want something to drink?"

"I'm good." I smiled weakly. "Remember when you said I'd be the first to get drunk?"

He chuckled and took a sip off the glass before offering it to me.

"You should taste it."

I scrunched up my face and shook my head.

"I'm more of a wine kind of person." I said. "Or vodka. You can never go wrong on vodka."

George hummed, taking another sip.

"...there's wine."

"Not vodka though," a voice said and we both looked to see Angelina who had walked up to us. "We stopped bringing vodka to these things after George took off his pants and peed in a plant."

I raised my eyebrows and looked up at George who stared at her, his jaw clenched.

"Hi George." She smiled weakly at him. "Nice seeing you again."

"Is it?" He breathed, taking another sip of the whisky.

Angelina pressed her lips together before she turned towards me and held out her hand.

"I'm Angelina." She told me. "Angelina Johnson. George's ex-wife."

I went to shake her hand but George grabbed my hand instead and put it back down, causing me to shoot him a glance.

"I'm uh— Dahlia."

"My girlfriend." George added, keeping my hand in his.

"Oh—" Angelina let out a small chuckle. "...that's uh— that's really great. Hey... how is uh—"

"Fred and Roxi?" George asked. "They're great. Yeah... no— Fred's experience racism at school and I try my best to be there for him but it's not like I've ever experienced that, and they don't have their mum to talk about it with."

George shrugged and Angelina let out a laugh as she shook her head.

"You forced me to sign up my parental rights."

"Because you left and came back as if it was a fucking visitation centre. They're your kids and you abandoned them because your career was more important to you. I did what was best for them."

She scoffed.

"I was going to come back."

"You didn't say anything about coming back."

"Well I did, didn't I?" She laughed.

"You sent me divorce papers!" George raised his voice. "You couldn't even bring yourself to give them to me face to face. You sent them with an owl and then you showed up two years ago to suddenly try and be apart of their lives. Roxanne couldn't even remember you."

"I know." Angelina sighed. "I wasn't ready at the time. I wasn't ready to be a mother for the rest of my life but I am not. We can start over and they can get to know me again."

George laughed.

"My girlfriend is standing right there." George nodded towards me as he gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me closer to him. "So no, I won't be starting over with you. You won't get to see the kids because you'll just fuck them up like you fucked everything else up."

Angelina glanced at me before she looked at George again.

"You can't be serious." She laughed. "You'd rather date an eighteen-year-old than the mother of your children?"

George wrapped an arm around my waist.

"She's twenty-six." He defended me. "And as far as I'm concerned... my children have no mother."

George downed the whisky, keeping the glass in his hand. He glared at Angelina until he sighed and turned around, walking over to speak to Alicia and Lee.

"Are you okay?" I asked George and looked up at him as I wrapped an arm around his back.

"Yeah." He breathed. "I just... didn't expect to see her here."

He looked down at me.

"I haven't seen her in two years."

"I know." I said softly and raised a hand to brush against his cheek. "Tell me if you've got any thoughts you want out. I know everything about difficult ex-spouses."

A smile spread on his face before he pressed a kiss to my forehead, then looked down at the empty glass in his hands.

"I'm gonna need a refill."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now