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"The weirdest thing happened today." Inez told me as I waited for Leah to tidy up her toys.

"What?" I questioned, licking my lips while leaning against the doorway. "Don't tell me Jack found the paint again."

Inez chuckled.

"No. Dove went down to Diagon Alley with Leah, Rosie and Marcus while I had Jack with me at work. She told me that she saw someone who looked like Nadine."

I scoffed, keeping my eyes on Leah who walked around in her own little world while picking up her toys and putting them into her small bag.

"Nadine's been dead for fourteen years."

"I know." She said. "We aren't saying it's her. That's impossible... but I'm thinking that maybe Nadine's spirit got to continue living through that woman."

I shrugged.

"Dunno if I believe in that, Inez." I breathed. "In my opinion, when you die, it's just darkness. Everything just ends and that person is gone."

Inez pouted at me.

"You're boring."

"Shut up." I chuckled and smiled at Leah who walked over to us, looking up at me as she gave me the bag. "That's it? Ready to go then?"

"Yes." She nodded. "But I need my shoes."

"Of course you do. Go wait in the foyer and I'll be there in just a second."

I ran my fingers through her hair as she nodded and walked out into the foyer. I threw the bag over my shoulder, looking at Inez.

"George and I made up."

Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face.


"Yeah." I breathed. "He showed up at my flat, apologised for breaking up with me and then we talked. He also had my favourite chocolates with him."

"So did you have sex?" She asked. I stared at her for a moment before rolling my eyes.

"No, we did not, Inez." I couldn't help but chuckle. "We only made up forty minutes ago. He went to get his kids and Elsie. We're gonna have dinner together, the six of us to get back to normal."

"That sounds like a good idea." She smiled. "But tell me if you need me to beat his pathetic little arse. Or... big arse. He's quite tall."

"He is." I smiled. "Like an ostrich."

I pushed myself away from the doorway and walked into the foyer, hearing Inez break into laughter while following me.

"Like an ostrich! I'm so gonna call him that the next time I see him!"

"You'll offend him."

"I do not care." She chuckled while I picked up Leah's shoes and looked at her.

"Go sit on the ottoman."

Leah ran over to the ottoman that stood in the foyer, and crawled up to sit on it while I walked over and crouched down.

I helped her get her shoes on before I got her jacket and put that on her as well, then I helped her off the ottoman and turned to Inez.

"Where's Dove?"

"She went back to work." She told me.

"Well, tell her thanks for watching Leah."

"You thank her every day, Dahlia." Inez chuckled. "You know it's no issue..."

I let out a breath and smiled at her before looking down at Leah, running my hand over her hair.

"We're gonna go to Georgie's place, how does that sound?" I asked, and she looked up at me, wrapping her arms around my legs, then she looked at Inez.

"Bye auntie Inez." She said, waving at her.

"Bye Leah." Inez smiled and waved back while I took Leah's hand.

I looked at Inez.

"I'll call you later." I said, and she nodded, leaning against the doorframe.

"Come Leah." I smiled at my daughter, leading the way over to the door. I opened it and Leah let go of my hand to walk outside, jumping down the steps.

I looked at Inez and smiled at her again before closing the door.

"Mama can we go get ice cream?" Leah asked as she sat crouched down, gathering a bunch of rocks in her hands.

"Ice cream?" I asked. "It's almost dinner time, my love."

"But I want ice cream."

"I know you do, sweetie." I said as she stood up and shoved the many rocks into her pockets, causing me to chuckle. "Maybe Georgie's got some that you can eat after dinner."

Leah looked up at me before taking my hand as we walked down the path and through the gate.

"Do you think he has strawberry ice cream?" She asked.

"I don't know." I chuckled. "You can always ask him though."

As we reached the other side of the gate, I looked down at her.

"Do you want to apparate or do you want to walk?"

"Teleport." She said, causing me to chuckle. Leah called it teleportation instead of apparition.

"Alright." I lifted her up on my arm before reaching into my pocket to get my wand.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me close which I had taught her because if she didn't, she'd feel sick from apparating.

I apparated us to Diagon Alley, pocketing my wand.

"You okay?" I asked, looking at Leah as I brushed my knuckles over her cheek.

She giggled.

"That was fun."

I put her down and took her hand as we walked to the back door of George's flat. I held Leah's hand as we slowly made our way up the stairs, Leah holding onto the railing while slowly taking one step at a time.

"Go on, baby... knock." I said and ran both of my hands through her hair.

She reached up and knocked her small fist against the wooden door two times, and the door was quickly opened by George who had a dish towel thrown over his shoulder.

"Hi Georgie!" Leah said and held up her hands.

George gasped as he picked her up and looked at you.

"Look at you. I haven't seen you for a whole week and you've already grown so much. Did you turn three or something?"

"Not yet." Leah laughed and George smiled before putting her down again, the two of us watching as she ran inside of the flat to find the other kids.

"She really does look a lot like you." George said and looked at me, stepping aide to let me in.

"Right, bone structure, eh?" I chuckled.

"Hey! Don't tease me. I said it because I mean it. She's got your cheekbones." He said. "And your jawline."

I took off my shoes before I looked at him again, smiling and then turned towards the living room.

"Leah, darling!" I called out. "You need to take off your shoes!"

"Dia!" I instantly heard Roxi who a second later came running into the kitchen, attacking me with a hug so tight that I could barely breathe. "I've missed you!"

"And I've missed you." I hugged her back. "You are really strong. I wouldn't think you were six years old with that grip."

Roxanne leaned her head back to look up at me, resting her chin against my stomach.

"I can kick daddy's butt for you, if you'd like."

I laughed softly and bopped her nose before looking at George.

"That does sound tempting."

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