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"You okay?"

I looked at George as his question, then looked down at our hands which were intertwined. I looked back up at him and offered a smile.

"You're thinking about what Malcolm said, aren't you?"

I took a deep breath but nodded.

"I don't trust him." I said. "But I can't— what if he's right and that wasn't my brother? I mean... fuck. I didn't recognise him. It was like looking at a stranger, but he knew things and that... I mean if he knew my dad and my dad has told him those things, it would've made sense but..."

I shook my head.

"It's crazy."

I tugged George closer to me, turning my body towards him as I stared up at his face.

"Do you believe him?"

"Malcolm?" He asked. "I don't know, Dia... but it doesn't matter what I believe."

He raised a hand to brush a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"Do you wanna go home?" He asked. "I understand if this is too much—"

"No." I cut him off. "Tonight is for you and I'm not letting Malcolm ruin it."

He smiled and I tiptoed to press a kiss to his lips, and just as I did, I heard a voice almost squeal.

"George fucking Weasley!"

I stood back down on my feet and looked past George as to where a tall blonde guy walked and a small smile spread on George's face when he looked over his shoulder and saw him.

"Towler." He greeted. "How are you, mate?"

"Oh you know... as good as I can be." They met in a hug before George turned to me, and the guy's eyes landed on me as well.

"Hi." I smiled, holding out my hand. "I'm Dahlia."

He raised in eyebrows in surprise, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"My girlfriend." George said, looking at me with a proud grin. "Dahlia Willows."

That made the guy pause. Our hands fell by our sides and he looked at George for a moment, then at me again.

"Your sister was an awesome person." He said. "Sorry you lost her."

I chuckled softly.

"She was... yeah."

"I'm Kenneth Towler by the way." He told me.

"We shared a dorm at Hogwarts." George informed me. "Him, Fred, Lee and I."

"It was a nightmare." Kenneth spoke. "In year five, Fred put Bulbadox powder in my pajamas."

I couldn't help but laugh along as George's hand found mine.

"That wasn't a nightmare." He grinned. "It was hilarious."

He looked down at me.

"You should've seen him."

"I broke out in boils!" Kenneth argued and the two laughed about the memory. "Hey, how's the kids? I haven't seen them since Roxi was a baby."

"They're good!" George smiled. "Fred's struggling a bit with Angelina not being around... but they're good. They're actually being watched by my parents right now, as well as Dia's kids."

"Oh, you've got kids?" Kenneth grinned and looked at me with a teasing smile. "But you're a baby."

I let out a laugh, tilting my head.

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