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When I got home, I still had about an hour until I had to pick up the girls.

Leah wasn't in school and she wasn't being homeschooled by George's mother either. I didn't want that when George and I were no longer together, so Dove was watching her all week.

Though Elsie was in school, hopefully having fun with Roxi.

After being at my mother's place, I went home with the box of Nadine's stuff. I took a shower, changed into some sweatpants and a grey hooded crop top, before seating myself on the living room floor, looking in the box.

The thing in top of the box was a dark red leather book which seemed to be a scrapbook. When I opened it, it contained many Polaroid pictures of her and the guy who looked identical to George.

Nadine and Fred.

There was six on each page and as I went through the book and looked at each picture, I couldn't help but smile, seeing how happy they looked together.

They were constantly smiling in the pictures that they took together and then there was pictures of just Fred that Nadine took as well as pictures of Nadine that Fred took.

There was also dates under each one of them. Two different handwritings which meant they both had a big influence in making this book.

It had been fourteen years since they both passed and not once had my mother mentioned Nadine's stuff. I didn't know that this book existed.

Sometimes I'd find myself wondering how her life would have looked like if she was still alive, and now knowing more about her boyfriend, I wondered if they would have still been together, possibly have had children together, gotten married at one point.

When I finished looking at the book, I closed it and put it next to me before reaching into the box, pulling out an old Quidditch jersey which was definitely not Nadines.

'Weasley' was written in the back of it, making me realise that when she died, she had Fred's jersey.

I reached into the box again, this time pulling out a jumper that she always wore.

Our parents didn't allow us to really buy things for ourselves so we'd have to sneak out and do it if we wanted something, and this was the first piece of clothing that she chose and not our mother.

She always wore it around the halls of Hogwarts. She loved it.

I sighed and hugged the jumper close to my body, closing my eyes.

The pain never went away after she died. It got easier to live every day without her but the pain never got lighter.

The sound of a sudden fire, caused me to shriek, my entire body jumping as my eyes landed on the fireplace where George suddenly stepped out.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

He looked at me as he brushed his hands over the material of his trousers, and I saw him gulp before she straightened up, taking a deep breath.

With a scoff, I got to my knees and packed the things back into the box before pushing it under the sofa, then I stood up and turned towards him, folding my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to uh—" he ran a hand to the nape of his neck, taking a few steps towards me but he stopped when he saw me back up at the same time to keep distance between us. "I'm sorry about the way I reacted to our fight."

I raised my eyebrows, before letting out a laugh, nodding as I hummed at the same time.

"You're sorry about the way you reacted?" I asked. "You broke up with me! And why? Because I didn't agree that Malcolm was manipulating me again?!"

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now