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The kids had forced George and I to watch the film with them.

Radio rebel.

Elsie and Roxi sat on the sofa with Leah between them, the three focused on the film with a bowl of grapes to share, and Fred who didn't want any grapes, sat in the armchair, watching the film as well.

I sat next to the girls, leaning back as George stood behind the sofa, leaning over it, with his hands folded.

Though it was very obvious that it was a children's film and not something an adult would sit down and watch without cringing.

"I'm not enjoying this if I have to be honest." I whispered to George who let out a small chuckle.

"Why does she keep making that face?"

"Right?" I asked. "If anyone made that face in front of me, I wouldn't be able to contain my laughter."

"Hey, look at me for a second..."

I turned my head to look at George, seeing him smirk in the exact same way from the film while acting as if he pushed hair behind his ear.

I snorted with laughter, clamping a hand over my mouth to shut myself up as I rested my head against his arm.

When I looked up at him again, he brushed his nose against mine and kissed me.

"You taste like a new fruit every day." He whispered as he pulled away, looking at me.

"I have a lot of different lip balms." I grinned. "The fruit ones are my favourite. Especially the one with blueberry."


He kissed me again, then smiled at me and walked around the sofa, squeezing down next to me and wrapping his arm around me.

"I did some thinking to." George whispered in my ear as I stared at the screen.

I looked at him.

"What were you thinking?" I smiled softly, studying his facial expression.

"That we take the kids to Legoland in the weekend. We'll rent a small flat and have some fun."


"It's located in Windsor. We'd be going on Friday and stay at a until Sunday. Us, your girls and my kids."

I hummed.

"Isn't that really expensive?"

"Well... yes, but I know you tend to struggle with money so I'll pay." He said and kissed the tip of my nose. "It'll be something nice for the six of us."

I looked at the four kids all very focused on the film, smiling as I then looked at George again and nodded.

"Great." He smiled, kissing my lips. "Because I've already booked it."

I gasped and slapped him in the chest, causing him to laugh and throw his head back.

"I think we could all need it, eh?" He looked at me again and brushed his thumb over my cheekbone. "I've been stressed about Angelina being back. You've been stressed about the situation with your mother. Elsie is being bullied at school. Leah is struggling with her night terrors, and my kids aren't just struggling with their mother leaving but they're also facing racism at school."

I hummed.

"We should find a new school for them." I said. "All of them."

"We should." He nodded. "Yeah. We're going to do that."

"We can sit down and look at schools together tomorrow." I said and George hummed in response as he kissed me again.

"What time is it?" George asked and turned his head to look at the clock on the wall. "Oh sh—"

He looked at me again.

"Looks like I'll be cooking dinner for six." He grinned. "Come help me."

I chuckled as he stood up and grabbed my hand to pull me with him.

"What— are you going to miss me too much?"

"Of course." He smiled. "I'll always miss you."

"How cute." I pouted, following him into the kitchen. I pulled myself up to sit on a counter while he took a look in the freezer.

As he was crouched down and I stared at him, my phone went off in my pocket, making me shriek at the surprise of it.

George looked back at me, laughing quietly as I pulled my phone from my pocket, but my expression dropped when I saw the display.


I hummed in response and looked at George.

"See, I'm trying to be civil with him which is going great at the moment and if I hang up, I'll cause trouble but I really don't want to speak to him right now."

"Then don't." He said. "Or... do. It may be important."

"Important?" I asked. "Important would be him calling me to let me know that he lost our girls... but since they're with me, I don't think it's that important."

"Are you just going to let it ring?" He asked. "It's annoying my ears."

"Aw." I pouted at him. "Is the sound going straight to your old-man-hearing-aids?"

George stood up and looked at me with a baffled look as I smiled smugly and answered the phone, pressing it to my ear.

"What's so important that you have to call me right now?"

"I need you."

"Excuse me?"

At my town, George's eyebrows fell into a frown and he closed the fridge, turning towards me before folding his arms over his chest.

"I need you, Dahlia. I need to fuck someone. I need—"

"What you need—" I cut him off. " therapy. A whole lot of it apparently. What the hell do you think you're doing, calling me and acting like that? As if nothing ever happened? As if I haven't moved on? I have a boyfriend Malcolm, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't think twice about rejecting you. What even happened to that girlfriend of yours? Anna?"

"Fuck her. That was a one time thing. All I want is you. I miss you, baby. I miss you so much."

"Don't call me that."

"I know I messed it all up, okay? But we can be happy again. I'm sorry that I got so mad about the abortion. Just come home, please."


"Are you drunk right now?"

"No... not drunk. I just had a little... I don't know. I think it was vodka."

"You're fucking pissed right now, aren't you?"

I sighed heavily when he didn't respond, then leaned back against the counter.

"I thought you were trying to stay sober. What the fuck, Malcolm? I told you you needed to get your shit together to be able to see the girls and you showed me that you were willing to fight to get better, yet here you are... getting absolutely wasted on a Tuesday afternoon."

There was a moment of silence before I heard his sobs.

"You're pathetic, Malcolm. You really are."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I don't know how to stop. It's all just so fucked up. I hurt you badly and you left me and I'm a terrible father. They're gonna grow up to hate me like you do. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."

And then he hung up.

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now