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Inez and Dove were here as I put the girls to sleep

"You can sit down, you know." I told them after closing the door to the girls room. "I'm not gonna run."

I had tried to go back to George's flat but they had stopped me and told me to give him time so that the fight didn't get worse.

I see their point, I guess.

Inez and Dove exchanged a look before Inez sat down, but Dove stayed standing.

"Actually, I think it's a good thing if this is a breakup." I said and shrugged.

"No you don't." Inez scoffed.

"I do." I nodded. "He obviously doesn't believe in me. I thought he did but he thinks that I'm so weak that I would go back to Malcolm. He thinks I'd put my children through that again."

"I'm sure that's not what he meant." Dove commented, her voice soft as she duck her head to try and catch my gaze.

"He broke up with me like it was the easiest thing he's ever done." I shrugged. "I need a drink."

I walked into the kitchen and unlocked the alcohol cabinet before grabbing the bottle of vodka.

"Maybe drinking away your feelings aren't such a good idea." Dove said but Inez had already joined me in the kitchen, grabbing three glasses.

"I think you're suppressing your feeling." Inez said and watched me as I poured pure vodka into the three glasses. "And that's quite a lot... I thought you wanted to do shots, not drink it like it's apple juice."

"Orange juice is superior." I muttered and lifted my glass of vodka, downing it quickly, loving the way it burned in my throat. "So you think I'm suppressing my feelings eh?"


"Anything else?" I asked, looking at her. "I don't give a crap about him. It was all just—"

I sighed.

"I played him."

"You played him?"

I hummed.


"Yeah sure." She scoffed. "Do you see what you're doing? You're pushing away the truth because if you never loved him, it would all be easier."

I looked at her, then nodded towards the two full glasses, glancing at Dove before looking at Inez again.

"Are you two going to drink those?"

"No and neither are you." She said sharply. "You're going to bed, Dahlia."

I sighed.

"Fine." I breathed. "Lock the door behind you when you leave."

I left the kitchen and made my way towards my bedroom.

"Oh I'm not leaving." Inez said. "I'm staying for the night while Dove goes home to the kids."

"They're currently being watched by my mum." Dove smiled at me. "Sleep well, yeah? I'll call in the morning."

I gave her a hug before glaring at Inez on my way into my room. I didn't even bother with my clothes. I got into bed, closed my eyes but the peace didn't last.

Inez entered my room, closed the door behind me and got into the bed next to me.

I turned my head to look at her as she smiled widely while getting comfortable under the duvet.

"Cosy, eh?" She grinned. "Just like old times when we'd cuddle up in your dorm."

"Goodnight Inez." I rolled my eyes and heard her chuckle before I turned my head away from her again.

"Night, babe."

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon, the bed empty apart from me. I could hear the girls all happy and chatty which they weren't most mornings, but they were probably happy that Inez was there when they woke up.

I groaned and reached for my phone but realised I had left it in the living room yesterday.

I got out of bed and changed into something different than what I wore yesterday, and then left the room, walking towards the sofa table to grab my phone.

"Mama, look!" I heard Leah shout and I looked up to see her sit at the dining table with a drawing. "It's you and Georgie!"


I approached her and wrapped my arms around her, leaning down to look at her drawing.

"That's beautiful." I told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

She held the drawing up towards me and I pressed my lips together.


Leah nodded and so did I before taking it and walking into the kitchen where Inez was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning." She smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Like shit."

I heard Elsie gasp.

"Sorry, darling." I hurried to say. "I know I'm not allowed to say a bad word. Won't happen again."

I looked down at my phone, hoping to see that he had called me, but there was no missed calls.

"Alright." I breathed, pushing my phone into my pocket before approaching the table and sitting down at it. "Girls... I need to talk to you about daddy."

"Is he in jail again?" Elsie asked, and I raised my eyebrows, remembering when Malcolm had been arrested for assault against me, but was let out quickly.

"It's Azkaban!" Leah exclaimed and Elsie stuck out her tongue at her.

"Alright." I said to try and get them to stop so that they wouldn't start fighting. "He hadn't been arrested, no..."

I took a deep breath.

"Daddy has been sick for quite a while. He hadn't been feeling well."

"Does he need coughing medicine?" Elsie asked, leaning on the table with her torso. "I needed coughing medicine when I was sick."

I chuckled softly but shook my head.

"No. It's not that kind of sick. He isn't feeling well in his head. You know how adults sometimes get stressed, yeah?"

Elsie nodded while Leah just looked at me.

"Well, sometimes when that happens, you have to go somewhere to get better and—"

"Did daddy go away?" Leah asked and tilted her head as she put down her colour pencils.

"He did, sweetie, but he'll be back. He's just somewhere with help, yeah? I don't know how long he will be there for but when he gets back, promise me you'll give him the biggest hug you've ever given him. He's gonna need that."

"Okay mummy." Elsie said with a smile.

I reached over and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear before looking at Leah who was now looking into the air.

"Leah, darling?" I asked, causing her to look at me, now frowning.

"I'm hungry."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now