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I sat against the wall in the kitchen.

Malcolm had dragged me out here after I attacked his brother. My mind was racing and I couldn't stop crying.

It felt like my throat was closing in. I could barely breathe and all I could think about was my little girl.

She's two years old.

Two years old and her own uncle touched her. Two years old and she's already been sexually assaulted.

My daughter was sexually assaulted by her uncle.

I could feel everything I had eaten today make it's way back up, as I kept thinking about that. I got off the floor and rushed to the bin, throwing up in it.

When I felt my hair being held back, I instantly jerked away from the hands.

"Dahlia, I'm just trying to help." Malcolm sighed. "Why won't you let me help?"

Because the last time you wanted to help, was after you beat me up, to manipulate me into thinking you cared.

Malcolm had completely beat the shit out of his brother when he found out he had molested our daughter.

Now, I had no idea where Jeremy was. I think Malcolm kicked him out on the street with all of his belongings.

I didn't even know he lived here. He had lived here for a couple of months now.

"How could you not know?" I sobbed, letting myself slide back onto the floor. "It was happening under your roof and it was your brother!"

I looked up at Malcolm who sighed and leaned against the kitchen island.

"She's not going to remember it." He tried to assure me. "She's only two years old."

"She's almost three!" I yelled. "You have no idea how the human brain works. Something as traumatising as this... she'll remember it."

I got off the floor, taking a deep breath.

"I need to go."


"Not now, Malcolm!" I held up a hand to shut him up. "I'm gonna go get the girls from Inez and Dove and meanwhile, you'll walk down to the minister and turn your brother in. I swear to Merlin, if he ever comes near the girls again, I will murder him."

Malcolm didn't say anything else. I marched out of the house and apparated to Inez and Dove's place which was located a little outside of London.

Inside, Inez sat on the living room floor, playing dolls with her while Elsie sat on the sofa with one of her books.

Inez looked up at me and her expression softened, yet she looked full of worry when she saw how defeated I looked.

I walked over and crouched down next to her and Leah, brushing my hand over my youngest daughter's hair.

She looked up at me and her face lit up before she dropped the doll she was carrying, getting to her feet.

"Mama!" She shrieked, wrapping her arms around my neck at the same time as I pulled her into my embrace.

I let out a small breath as I kept her in my arms, not ever wanting to let go of her again.

"What's going on?" Inez asked. "What happened?"

I simply shook my head, placing a kiss on Leah's cheek. I'd tell Inez later but not right now, and not with both of my kids in the room.

"Mummy, look!" Elsie caught my attention as she showed me a page in the book, with a drawing of two bunny.

It was one of those do-it-yourself children's books that Malcolm had made with her. They had sat down together one day and drawn and written a story for the book.

"Auntie Inez drew sunglasses for the bunny!" She told me.

"That's nice, my love." I smiled, watching her get back to the book.

"Elsie, darling... why don't you take Leah's hand and join aunt Dove in her office while I have a talk with mummy?"

Elsie left her book on the sofa as she slid down and walked over to take Leah's hand while I let go of her.

"C'mon, Leah." Elsie led Leah towards the hallway. "Mummy and auntie have to have adult talk which is where no children are allowed."

Inez chuckled while I sat down properly on the floor, sighing heavily as I ran a hand through my hair.

"What happened?" She asked. "Did something happen with Malcolm?"

I shook my head, staring down at the floor while I bent my knees and wrapped my arms around them.

I explained everything as calmly as I possibly could, everything from CPS being called, to me finding out that Malcolm's brother has been molesting my daughter, and then I broke into tears.

Inez' eyes were wide as she quickly pulled me against her, hugging me as tightly as possible.

Later that afternoon, I got my girls and went home. I cooked us dinner and tried to keep the energy good, made sure that the two were comfortable.

After dinner, I bathed Leah. She was playing with some of her toys for the tub, giggling to herself.

Then I put her to bed.

"Elsie, darling?" I asked and walked into the living room as she watched a children's program on the tv, sitting on the sofa.

I picked up the tv remote.

"Is it okay if I turn it off for a second?" I asked. "I want to ask you something."

Else looked up at me and nodded before I turned off the tv, then sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" Elsie asked and tilted her head as she looked at me.

"I'm alright, baby." I smiled and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "But I want to ask you about when you spend the week with daddy."

She didn't say anything, but she kept looking at me with her brown eyes, listening to me.

"Uncle Jeremy lives with daddy most of the time, right?"


"And he spends time alone with you and Leah?"

Elsie shrugged.

"Sometimes." She said. "Mostly Leah. I don't think uncle Jeremy likes me very much."

"Why do you say that?"

Elsie looked down.

"I'm not allowed to say."

"You're not allowed to say?" I asked. "Elsie, love... has uncle Jeremy ever touched you in your private places?"

Elsie kept staring down at her pants, playing with a fold on the right leg.

"He said he wanted me to kiss his little friend." She said and looked up at me. "But I didn't want to and I don't know what friend he was talking about."

Oh my god.

"Dad came home and then we had dinner." She told me. "I've never met uncle Jeremy's friend. Do you know who he's talking about?"

I sighed.

"No..." I faked a smile and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "...I don't, baby."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now