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It was Tuesday.

The day after my first therapy session and I was picking up not only Elsie but also Fred and Roxi.

Leah was being homeschooled by George's mum who happened to not have changed her opinion of me after finding out about my family.

I apparated to an alleyway near the school and walked there, entering the schoolyard, through my expression drop when I the woman stand in the yard, staring towards the doors as there was a few minutes until the children would run out.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, approaching her as she turned to look at me, then sighed.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? They're my kids."

"George doesn't want you seeing them." I said. "You have no rights here. He's got custody."

"And where is George?" She asked. "Sending his lover to pick them up, I see."

I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest.

"He always picks them up, but he happens to have somewhere to be right now and I'm happy to step in and help."

Angelina turned towards me.

"You'd be a real help if you fuck off. I don't need my children socialising with a death eaters child."

I ignored her.

She was acting childish and I wasn't going to let her get a reaction out of me.

Then the bell rang and shortly after, kids came running out of the different doors.

"Dia!" I heard Roxanne tell and as I saw her, I smiled and opened my arms. She ran straight into them and hugged me tightly.

"Hi lovely." I hugged her back. "How was school?"

"It was so much fun!" She tilted her head back to look up at me. "We drew butterflies today! I drew one for you!"

I didn't get to answer before Angelina cleared her throat, causing both Roxanne and I to look at her. She smiled at Roxanne but Roxi's eyes went wide and then she moved around to hide behind me, making sure to keep a hold on my hand.

"What— Roxi.. it's me, mum." Angelina took a step forward but I held out a hand to stop her. "Move away from my daughter, Dahlia."

"You're making her uncomfortable." I said. "She clearly doesn't want to say hi to you. You should leave before Fred—"

My eyes landed on Fred who had stopped a few feet away from us, staring at his mother with wide eyes.

Angelina saw my look before she turned around to look at her son, and then she smiled.

"Freddie." She smiled and crouched down, opening her arms. "I've missed you, my handsome boy."

Fred didn't move. He looked at Angelina, then at me and then back to Angelina.

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?"

Fred gulped.

"You left."

"I know, baby, but I had to. I'm back now. I'm not leaving again, I promise. I'll make everything right."

Fred looked at me again for a short moment, then looked at his mother before walking around, avoiding her as much as possible and when he reached me, he grabbed my free hand, looking down at the floor.

Angelina stood up, turning to look at me.

"See what you've done? Turned my kids against me."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "I think you should leave."

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now