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Mention of child molestation

Five minutes ago, I got a very concerning phone call from Leah's school.

When I walked down the hallway of her school, I could feel my heart speed up at every step I took.

Leah's teacher Mrs James stood on one of the hallways by the window to the playroom where Leah spend some of her school day.

With Mrs James stood a tall man in a suit with a name tag on his chest.

"Mrs Baddock." Mrs James greeted when she saw me.

I shook my head.

"Ms Willows." I corrected her. "I'm in the middle of a divorce."

"Right." She nodded before she looked at the man who was smiling comfortably at me.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Is Leah alright?"

I looked through the window, seeing my daughter play with dolls along with one of the other teachers.

"Ms Willows." The man held out his hand and I hesitated before shaking it. "My name is John. I come from child protection services."

My expression dropped for a moment before I frowned, looking in at Leah again, then back at him.

"I'm sorry?" I asked. "Child protection services?"

"You're not in any kind of trouble, Ms Willows." John kept smiling in that particular way that made me want to punch him in the face. "This is about your husband Mr Malcolm Baddock."

He's hit her. He's fucking hit her.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Why do you assume he did something?" John asked curiously. "Has he done something in the past?"

"Not to the—" I motioned towards Leah, then sighed. "... what did he do? Did he hit her?"

John and Mrs James looked at each other before John motioned for her to speak.

"Ms Willows—" she breathed. "...I've noticed a change in Leah's behavior for the past couple of months and it gets worse every time it's her father's turn to pick her up or when he drops her off."

Oh my god.

"She throws tantrum after tantrum when the day ends and we're waiting for him to pick her up. Then she refuses to go with him and she holds onto whatever teacher is with her that day." She explained. "When we go over what the children did during the weekend, she never wants to speak when she's been with her father and today... we found Leah undressing the dolls and—"

Mrs James took a step closer to me, lowering her voice.

"...acting out oral sex or penetration with the fingers."

I teared up and automatically, I brought a hand up to my mouth as I looked at Leah through the window in the wall.

"Mrs James told me she had asked Leah if she had been touched inappropriately, in which Leah nodded yes." John said, and I closed my eyes, feeling my entire world come together. "When she asked Leah to show her with the dolls, she pointed to both the crotch of the female doll and the male doll."

I'm gonna be sick.

"We have reason to believe that it's your husband." John said. "Which is why we started by calling you. Of course we have to have a chat with your husband as well but we had to let you know first."

My hands were shaking as I opened my eyes again and looked at Leah.

My little girl.

"She's two years old." I breathed, shaking my head while I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

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