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I was nervous.

It was Elsie's birthday and she doesn't really have other friends other than George's daughter so she had been a bit upset about not being able to have this big birthday party.

So George and I decided that it was time for me to meet his kids as well as his son to meet my girls and Leah to meet both Fred and Roxanne.

Elsie was excited about having other kids there at her birthday than just her little sister.

Meeting George's children was a big step. I had met Roxanne once but it hadn't been official and at the time, Fred sat in their car so I hadn't met him at all.

Though the thing I was the most worried about, was having Malcolm here. Of course he was gonna be there for his daughter's birthday but I already knew how he felt about me being with someone else so I was scared it was going to go wrong.

I needed this day to go perfect.

We had thought about colliding today with Roxanne's birthday which is tomorrow, but she had told George that she wanted to have it on her birthday just like Elsie wanted it on her birthday.

So tomorrow, we were holding Roxanne's birthday at George's flat,

Roxanne had told him that she wanted him to being his girlfriend.

George's birthday was also coming up in a few days. Five to be exact, and I had no idea if we were doing anything on the day.

My girls and I moved into our new flat yesterday. It was nice and with the use of magic, I got everything put away so there's no boxes filling the place.

The girls especially were excited about their new room. They've got it divided so they no longer sleep in bunk beds. They have their own half of the room which is split up by a bookshelf.

As the doorbell rang, I felt myself jump. I had been too gone in my own head while cooking, that I got scared.

"Alright." I breathed. "Elsie, darling! Can you set the table, please?!"

"Yes mummy!" She called back while I made my way to the door.

I opened it, expecting to see George and his kids, but it was Malcolm who for once in his life wasn't late.


"You're surprised to see me?" He asked. "You invited me."

"I know, I know." I sighed, stepping aside. "Come in."

Malcolm stepped inside, a smile spreading on his face when he saw Elsie.

"Daddy!" She screamed, dropping the plates to the floor before running into the arms of Malcolm.

"No!—" the plates crashed against the floor, causing me to sigh. "...Elsie..."

"Sorry mummy."

I walked over to the counter and grabbed my wand before pointing it at the plates, repairing them.

Then I put down the wand and walked over to pick them up. I started setting the table while Malcolm held Elsie in his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You seem stressed."

"Can you take Elsie into her and Leah's room?" I asked. "It's through that door—"

I pointed to the open bedroom door, and Malcolm nodded before putting down Elsie. He pushed off his shoes and hung his jacket on the wall along with the plastic bag he had with him.

"Wanna show me your room?" He asked Elsie who grabbed his hand and led him across the room and through the door again.

As I finished setting the table, the doorbell rang again and this time it could only be George.

When I opened the door, I was met by a very excited little girl who threw her arms around my legs, hugging me as tightly as she possibly could.

I chuckled, hugging her back as I looked at George and his son with a smile.

"This is Freddie." George said, placing his hands on his sons shoulders.

"Fred." He corrected him.

"Hi Fred. It's nice to meet you." I smiled, holding out a hand. He looked at it, then looked up at his dad for a second.

Though when he looked at me again, he stepped forwards and joined Roxanna and I in a hug.

I looked at George again who smiled proudly while leaning against the doorframe with an arm resting above his head.

His eyes met mine and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I hadn't expected Fred to want to hug me, but I wasn't complaining.

"Why don't you two let her breathe for a second?" George chuckled. "Roxi, you know Elsie... why don't you introduce Freddie?"

The two pulled away, Roxanne looking up at me.

"You're even prettier than I remember." She smiled and I didn't get to respond before she grabbed Fred's hand. "C'mon Freddie."

"Wait... shoes." George told them and Roxanne groaned but her and Fred took their shoes off anyways.

She dragged him straight towards the only room they could see.

I watched them walk in there before I looked at George.

"Hi." He smiled coyly, resting his head against his arm. "You look beautiful."

"I look like—"

He shushed me and reached out, placing a hand on my waist, pulling me close to him. He brought his other hand up to brush a few single strands out of my face.

He rested his hand against my jaw as he kissed me softly.

"Don't argue with me." He whispered, kissing me again. "You look beautiful."


"Well, so do you." I grinned, running a hand to the nape of his neck, now being the one to kiss him. "C'mon in... it's happening in here, not in the hallway."

I grabbed his hand and guided him through the door before closing it.

"Malcolm's already here?" He asked as he saw the shoes while pushing off his own.

"He's in there." I pointed to the room while walking back to the counter to check to the food.

"How's the divorce going?"

"The divorce is none of your business." Malcolm spoke as he left the room with his hands pushed into his pockets.


"Why does he have to be here?"

George let out a scoff as he walked over to see what I was cooking.

"He's here not only because he's my boyfriend, but also because Elsie really wants him here."

"Elsie wants him here?"

"She does." I nodded. "So please don't start anything. Especially not today."

Malcolm held up his hands in surrender while approaching the kitchen — his eyes focused on George who was leaning against the counter, staying close to me.

"I know what you're doing, but don't think for a second you'll have a chance at taking my kids from me."

George raised an eyebrow before he let out a small laugh.

"Are you serious? You're delusional, mate." He responded. "No one's out to get you or take your girls away from you. Maybe see a therapist, yeah?"

Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.

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