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George held my hand as he led me through the front door.

Charlie and Arthur were both so nice and so welcoming. They were still out in the shed but would be in in a minute.

As soon as George and I walked through the door, I took everything in.

I felt George's fingers against my shoulders as he helped me take off my jacket while I looked at everything.

In the kitchen, a knife was chopping away at some vegetables while a can of water was watering some plants.

The living room was to our left. A sofa with some cushions and a blanket thrown over the bag.

There was an armchair as well as a fireplace with a bowl of floo powder on top of it.

On the sofa, sat a woman with long red hair — supposedly George's only sister. She sat next to a guy that I recognised from George's shop.


Though I had never actually met him.

"Look." George caught my attention but also the attention of the two sitting on the sofa who then got up.

I looked at George as he pointed to the clock while guiding me towards it.

"Our family clock." He smiled. "So that my parents know where we are at all times."

I smiled at the different faces on the spoons.

"Fred's been pointing towards home ever since the war." He told me, before he turned to his siblings. "Guys... this is Dahlia."

I turned towards them and smiled.

"Dia, that's Ginny and that's Ron." George pointed them out as if I couldn't figure it out.

"Hi!" Ron gave an awkward wave. He was chewing on something. "Nice finally meeting you after seeing you around the shop a couple of times."

"Yeah, I wanted to say hi and meet you but I've never been at the shop for long before I had to be somewhere else."

Ron nodded.

"That's fine." He smiled.

George nudged my shoulder with his, causing me to look up at him.

"Yeah... you're quite busy most of the time. Between work and your girls..."

I hummed.

"You've got children?" Ginny asked, causing me to look at her.

"I do, yeah." I smiled. "Two girls."

"With who? Malcolm Baddock, right?" She asked. "I remember you from school. Four years younger than me..."

She glanced at George.

"...and all seven years younger than George."


"Ginny." George sighed, sending her a certain look that made her shrug.

"So—" she spoke. "'re divorced, right? Not still with him?"

"The divorce will be finalised tomorrow." I nodded. I had a feeling she had a problem with me but I was just trying to stay civil, show her that I wasn't going to be a problem.

"So you dated my brother while still being married?"

"She'a separated, Ginny." George said and I felt his hand find mine behind my back, giving it a squeeze of reassurance.

"Still married."

"Right." George breathed. "I'll show Dahlia around."

He led me away before Ginny got another word, looking at me to make sure I was alright, as he led me up the stairs.

Lover ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now